Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Operations Management Management

Question: Write an essay on Operations Management? Answer: Introduction Markeaton Park id one of the most visited centres in the East Midlands area, which offers a wide range of activities for recreation and adventure. However, there has been lack of investment in the infrastructure of the park over the years which has lead it to worn out, although the park is still having a good reputation among the visitors as a good place to visit but if the present condition continues then there will be a decline which will be self perpetuating. This study discusses the present issues in the infrastructure, and the major challenges that the park is facing. The researcher has also mentioned the possible recommendations for making the park a better, well-managed place. Improvements to the park The improvement of Markeaton Park needs the implementation of proper management, maintenance and development to take place, which demands a framework work for carrying out the process (Schroeder et al. 2011). The primary purpose of the plan will be to support funding towards the restoration works for Markeaton Park. Markeaton Park is a designated city park serving a catchment up to 5000 meters, which extend a big area for covering Derby's population. For better improvement of the park, it is important to know about the major hindrances that are there for attaining the desired results. The theory of Constraints As per the theory, every system, no matter how well it is performing, has at least one constraint, which will add to the limitation of the overall performance, the theory is used for identification of the constraint and carry out restructuring so that the constraint can be overcome (Brown et al. 2013). There are certain steps, which are to be followed for achieving the goals. The steps involve identifying the weakest link in the system and realize which the factor that is holding the performance back is. The underlying idea of the theory is that organizations can be measured and controlled by three measures which are through put, operational expense and inventory, so that before reaching the goal necessary conditions are met. Theory of constraints is based on the premise that the rate of achievement of goal by a goal-oriented system is limited by at least one constraint (Shang and Ployhart, 2014). If it is assumed that the goal of a system is articulated then the steps to be followed will involve: Identifying the systems constraints Deciding how the constraint be exploited Subordinating everything to the decision made Evaluation of the performance In case of the Markeaton Park as well the primary need is the identification of the constraints in the system of the park. Even if the place is still preferred by visitors, but there are many improvement to be done in the infrastructure of the park. One of the major contributions for the improvement of Markeaton park is the Heritage Lottery Fund project, which aims to deliver the vision f the park and also the much needed improvements as well. Having realized that the major constraints of the park is the infrastructure, the project aims to restore, protect and carry on the management of the park for enjoyment and use of present and future generations (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2012). It also aims to develop and hence existing and new facilities that meets the needs of the current users, deliver a comprehensive programme of activities and various events. The management of the park also involves the promotion and enhancement of the understanding of the public for providing guidance in the use of the services provided in the park. The overall improvement process of the infrastructure aim to benefit the community along with developing a new Park Management system structure for providing a professional, responsive and accountable team, for making the park an accountable and safe place to visit (Brown et al. 2013). Green issues (how the park can be more eco friendly) The major green issues faced by the park are Air pollution contributed by parks indirectly, which massively uses the amount of required energy for keeping the park up and running nicely. This not only includes the use of resources but also emission of carbon dioxide An attraction that draws in large crowds of people for extended periods of time especially one that has much concession stands is bound to create and collect a lot of trash. Some of the trash can be recycled, but those materials will still need to be sorted and taken to a recycling facility, increasing the consumption of fossil fuels. Trash that cannot be recycled typically ends up in a landfill, where it contributes to global warming by emitting methane, a greenhouse gas, as it decays. Another form of waste that increases dramatically when crowds of people are brought into a contained area is human waste. To address this properly, the park must build its own sewage treatment facility, which requires energy and water to operate, or be connected to the sewage system of a nearby community a system that can easily be overwhelmed by the park's needs. Water usage varies from theme park to theme park, but water rides are popular attractions at many and those rides require significant amounts of water to make them operational. A lot of the water used for rides is recycled, but the park still requires a massive quantity of water when the rides are first installed (Rand, 2013). The basic upkeep of the park's attractions can also put a strain on local water supplies --- cleaning acres of walkways, buildings and equipment and caring for acres of landscaping both require substantial amounts of water. Depending on the park's location, the impact on the environment can be quite drastic. Most theme parks aren't built in urban areas where they are replacing existing buildings or asphalt lots. Just by using the visitor's centre, the visitor will be more informed about how to protect the park., the visitor centre's valuable informational displays, which will provide ecological context should be provided (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2012) Focus on reusable water bottles, which are better for the environment, and which also provide the added bonus of helping avoid inflated prices on bottled water. Minimise use of pesticides and herbicides, including a reasoned justification where used Encourage greater responsibility by the public for removing their own litter to either take home or deposit in larger central collection points and to use recycling facilities Working with Grounds Maintenance to improve the recycling and use of green waste material produced on the park Promoting the recycling and composting as part of an education programme focussed on horticulture and healthy living (Krajewski et al. 2012) Recommendations From the study, there are a number of recommendations that can be made for better improvement of Markeaton Park: Establishing a clear hierarchical structure of entrances in accordance to the importance, along with the use of proper signage Enhancing the main entrance of the park and also provide an entrance statement which would define that this is the main entrance to the visitors and the passing by Creation of clear sense of direction and orientation for the people entering the park by combining a good design, and using landmarks Instigating program of work and management work for enhancing and cleaning up the boundary Reviewing long-term future for building of depot with a view to the replacement with alternative and better quality building or removal Developing and implementing a full signage strategy for the park as a part of the interpretation strategy that will set out guidelines for the purpose, design, use, location, maintenance and review. This all would cover permanent and temporary signs that are needed for one off events, reviewing of the brown signs location and information to ensure that they are correct and do not give mixed messages. They also provide the entrance signs, which would help, define entrances and provide information to help visitors orientate themselves. Signage should reflect entrance hierarchy. Designing and installing permanent signs and notice board for temporary signage providing more and improved information regarding the park and how it should be accessed. Creation of central information point is very important where the visitors can access information about the park at any point of time (Pengand Lai, 2012). Developing a well-coordinated and enhanced programme of activities that promote health and the well-being on the park, the activities will also enhance the healthy living. Improvement of play facilities, and footpath network along with the availability of the new routes of cycle is also involved in the development of improved infrastructure of the park. Identification and prioritizing of the program of replacement, repairs and maintenance of infrastructure is important to carry out evaluation of the performance. This will ensure all facilities; equipment and other features of the park are safe for using. Updating the risk assessment and procedures in conjunction of development of park and improvement to facilities are also vital for development. Conclusions The study explains the major problems faced by the Markeaton Park in UK. The park is currently facing issues despite of being a preferable spot to visit. The discussion throws an insight on the problems, the possible implementation of the compatible theory and the recommendation that might help the managers to bring about a more efficient infrastructure. The various green issues faced by parks and the possible solutions have been discussed. References Barratt, M., Choi, T. Y. and Li, M. (2011). Qualitative case studies in operations management: Trends, research outcomes, and future research implications.Journal of Operations Management,29(4), 329-342. Peng, D. X.,and Lai, F. (2012). Using partial least squares in operations management research: A practical guideline and summary of past research.Journal of Operations Management,30(6), 467-480. Krajewski, L. J., Ritzman, L. P., and Malhotra, M. K. (2012).Operations management. Pearson Education Limited. Gunasekaran, A., and Ngai, E. W. (2012). The future of operations management: an outlook and analysis.International Journal of Production Economics,135(2), 687-701. Naor, M., Bernardes, E. S., and Coman, A. (2013). Theory of constraints: is it a theory and a good one?.International Journal of Production Research,51(2), 542-554. Rand, G. K. (2013). Theory of constraints. 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