Wednesday, October 30, 2019

U.S. Army - Educational opportunities Research Paper

U.S. Army - Educational opportunities - Research Paper Example The background of the report is the situation in US army where the soldiers are missing out on valuable opportunities provided by the US army which is mainly educational opportunities provided by the US army.This report deals with the present problem in the US army where the retention rate of US soldiers has been constantly decreasing. Recruitments and retention rates in the US army has suffered a setback and one of the attributed reason could be the inflexible lifestyle in the US army especially with respect to educational opportunities. The reason for such low retention rates is because of the unawareness regarding the educational opportunities provided by the US army. Earning a degree while working in the military service is very important because the degree earned serves as a promotional tool which can be used by soldiers to get promotions to higher grades. Education is a necessity in today’s armed forces and the military offers a number of educational opportunities for im proving the education among the soldiers. Army offers several benefits like full time tuition, merit based scholarships, allowances in books and fees, and stipend for living expenses for the qualified students. There are many other programs like tuition assistance, eArmyU, CLEP exams which soldiers can take advantage of in order to build the future ahead of them, which they are currently ignoring. This report is based on audience analysis and the research proposal. The report provides a total overview of the current educational system available in the US army and how the retention and recruitment rates in the US army could be improved. Education is the only asset for the future, whether you are a civilian or an army man. So it is important that all the people should have the basic education, which he can continue further or take advantage of it for his future. US departments for defense provides many benefits for the soldier, of which mainly includes the policy for education. They h ave introduced many programs to increase the educational level of people. The soldiers can take benefits out of various policies to secure their future. Currently there are many programs existing within the system to help the soldiers in getting the education they deserve, the only thing that is being lacking is the awareness among people about that. Willingness to know things can create many chances for the future. There are immense education opportunities in the US army and there are various types of educational programs in the army. The report has a methodology section where methods have been used to collect data and a section of data analysis along with conclusion finding and recommendations. Purpose statement: The purpose of this report is providing a report on the recruitment and retention of soldiers in the US army. Background: The background of the report is the situation in US army where the soldiers are

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cockle Isolates of Vibrio Vulnificus | Research Experiment

Cockle Isolates of Vibrio Vulnificus | Research Experiment Isolation and identification characterization among cockle isolates of Vibrio vulnificus isolated from Selangor, Malaysia Coastal area Mohammed M. Kurdi Al-Dulaimi, Sahilah Abd. Mutalib and Ma`aruf Abd.Ghani Key words: Vibrio vulnificus, cockles, isolation, characterization, Malaysia. ABSTRACT: Vibrio vulnificus infections is worldwide public health problems associated with illnesses resulting from consumption of raw or partially cooked seafood worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and identification of V. vulnificus in cockle collected from local wet (2) and supermarkets (2) from Selangor, Malaysia from July 2013 to February 2014. A total of 78 (n=78) cockle samples were examined for the presence of V. vulnificus and collected from four local supermarkets sites of Selangor hypermarkets, V. vulnificus was present in at about 32% (25/78) of the 78 seafood cockle samples were positive to this bacterium. Colonies morphological observation and biochemical characterization for those isolates showed 60% (15/78) of isolates were classified as biotype 1 and 40% (10/78) belong to biotype 2. INTRODUCTION: Vibrio vulnificus is a motile, asporgenic, halophilic gram-negative bacterium that found worldwide in estuarine and coastal warm waters that frequently contaminates seafood like oysters , cockles , shrimps and other seafood (Horseman and Surani, 2011) infections of V. vulnificus are reported in many different countries ,USA, Europe, Korea, Taiwan , Malaysia and Saudi Arabia(Tamplin et al. 1982; Chuang et al.1992; Dalsgaard et al. 1999; Hlady and Klontz 1996; Elhadi et al.,2004; Elhadi 2012; Paydar and Thong 2013). Three major syndromes of clinical illness caused by pathogenic vibrio: septicemia, gastroenteritis and wound infections. The majority of these infections is foodborne and associated with consumption of raw or undercooked variety of seafood, including shrimp, fish, oysters and clams (Bisharat et al., 1999). Probability of septicemia and necrotizing fasciitis increased in the patients with liver cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus that reduce host resistance to bacterial infections owing to the immunocom-promised status (Ito et al., 2012). V. vulnificus is a bacterial species that is virulent for humans and fish ,In terms of virulence, it has been classified based on phenotypical and serological characteristics(Biosca et al.,1997 ; Tison et al., 1982), therefore V.vulnificus isolates classified into three biotypes, biotypes 1 and 3 are classified as a human isolates and biotype 2 is classified fish and eel isolates , The virulence mechanism of biotype 2 V. vulnificus strains in eels remains unclear, although some virulence factors have been proposed. The extracellular products of biotype 2 strains exhibit hydrolytic/toxic activities and lethality for the eel similar to those produced by the biotype 1 strain (Biosca and Amaro 1996). However, a few human infections caused by biotype 2 isolates have been reported worldwide. This study aims to isolateion and identifiy characterization of the V. vulnificus among cockle from Selangor, Malaysia. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples collection and preparing For this In the present study, cockle samples (n=78) were purchased from wet markets (2) and hypermarkets (2) in Selangor-Malaysia from July 2013 to February 2014 .The cockles were washed in distilled water and scrubbed free of dirt and shucked with a sterile scalpel and cut to small pieces with sterile scissor, 25 g of muscle and intravalvar fluid were collected homogenized into sterile stomacher bags containing 225 ml of Akaline Salt Peptone Water (ASPW) (Oxoid, England) with 3% (w/v) NaCl. Samples were homogenized with using stomacher (Stomacher Lab-Blender 400) for 2 minutes. enriched in alkaline peptone salt water and The solution was diluted and then spread onto ______(what medium) medium and incubated for 18-24 hours at 37Â ºC. Isolation and morphological characterization All samples were analyzed for potentially pathogenic Vibrios. All samples enriched in APW[DS1] and transferred a loop full of enrichment broth on to Thiosulphate citrate bile salt sucrose agar (TCBS)(Difco Laboratories, USA) and CHROMagar Vibrio (CV)(CHROMagar, France) and incubated for 24 h at 37Â ºC. After incubation colonies suspected to be V. vulnficus were picked up from the TCBS[DS2] agar and CV plates and cultured on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) to obtain pure colonies.[DS3] (Elhadi 2012).V. vulnificus produce green colonies on TCBS and blue green (Turquoise) on Chromagar Vibrio, these colonies were picked up to nutrient agar slant and stored at 4Â °C for morphological and biochemical identification. Biochemical characterization The isolates were identified at the species level with the use of biochemical tests that may differentiated among closer species of vibrio that gave similar morphological characteristics on selective media, in this study we use some biochemical tests that distinguish among V. vulnificus and other vibrio species such as V. parahemolyticus. [DS4] Indole Production The ability of bacteria to splitting of tryptophan to indole tested , test tubes contain 9 ml of tryptone water inoculated with loop full of V. vulnificus culture and incubated for 24- 48 h at 37Â ºC, adding 1 ml of Kovac`s indicator(P-dimethyl amnobenzaldehyde in amyl) , positive reaction immediately forming red color ring in the broth. [DS5] Oxidase test :[DS6] Bacterial colonies were transferred with a sterile glass rod to filter paper moistened with oxidase reagent. Appearance of a dark purple color within few seconds was considered a positive reaction. Tolerance to NaCl :[DS7] Tolerance to NaCl was determined by the addition of NaCl to 1 % peptone broth with percentage of 0, 3, 6 and 10 % (w/v) [DS8]and cultures were examined for growth after 2 days at 37oC. RESULTS Isolation of V. vulnificus: [DS9] A total of 78 cockle samples were obtained from four different location of kajang.30, 28, 10 and 10 cockle samples were collected from pasar kajang, gaint bangi , gaint kajang and pasar bangi respectively, from August 2013 until January 2014, 11 sample (36%) of pasar Kajang was positive, 9 samples (32%) of Gaint Bangi was positive, 3 samples (30%) of Gaint Kajang was positive and 2 (20%) of Pasar Bangi was positive for V. vulnificus (table 1), The highest numbers of V. vulnificus were isolated from pasar kajang and gaint bangi , the lowest numbers of V. vunlificus were isolated from gaint kajang (Fig.1).[DS10] Table 1 percentage[DS11] of presence of V. vulnificus in cockle samples. Figure 1 percentage of positive samples. Morphological and biochemical identification: V. vulnificus in this study were identified as biotype I because all the isolates were positive for indole production. CHROMagar Vibrio (CHROMagar; Paris,France) was used in this study in conjunction with TCBS agar because of its ability to isolate and identifyV. vulnificus compared to the TCBS agar. CHROMagar Vibrio uses chromogenic technology to allow for the isolation and detection of V. vulnificus resulting in development dark blue colonies which can be distinguished from other Vibrio species as shown in Fig. 2. V. vulnificus were isolated from 25 of the 78 samples analyzed, and were identified with picked up single colonies on selective media for morphological identification, V.vulnificus isolates appeared as green colonies on TCBS medium and appeared as blue green colonies on Chromagar Vibrio medium Fig 2, green color on TCBS refer to inability of this bacteria to produce acids from sucrose, colonies on ChromagarTM Vibrio medium are accurately (99%) detect V. vulnificus isolates and differentiate it from other vibrio species. Fig 2 V vulnificus isolates on TCBS (A) and Chromagar Vibrio (B). Biochemical characterization: Distinguish between the different vibrios on the basis of colony morphology not always possible, the identification of Vibrio spp. is problematic because of phenotypic similarity of some species, there for we should be do biochemical tests to confirm the results obtained from morphological identification. V. vulnificus is divided into three biotypes according to their different biochemical and biological properties (Linkous and Oliver 1999).Twenty-five strains identified as V. vulnificus were submitted to biochemical tests. All isolates used in this study were positive for oxidase test (100%), all isolates grow on solid selective media (TCBS and CV agar). Salt tolerance show that 100% of isolates grow in 3% NaCl whiles no growth in 0 % of NaCl (table 2) because this bacterium is halophilic and it is abundantly present in estuarine ecosystems throughout the world. Table 2 biochemical tests of V. vulnificus isolates. DISCUSSION Isolation and morphological identification of V. vulnificus: The main objective of this study was to detect the incidence of pathogenic V. vulnificus in cockle samples collected from five sites in Malaysia, 25 of 78 cockle samples were positive for V. vulnificus (table 1), high percentage of cockles positive for V. vulnificus attributed to filter-feeding mollusks such as oysters, clams and mussels have high concentrations of the bacteria in their guts and other tissues (Strom and Paranjpye 2000). A chromogenic medium used for differentiation of V. vulnificus which contains bile salts and high NaCl and pH. This medium selects mainly three vibrio species (V. vulnificus, V. cholera and V. parahemolyticus) easily to differentiate among these species depend upon colony color whereas V. vulnificus isolates gave distinctive blue green color, various biochemical tests were used for more identification (Elhadi 2012). Biochemical identification: On the basis of differences in biochemical property V. vulnificus includes two biotypes (Tison et al. 1982). In this study, V. vulnificus biotype 1 and 2 were isolated. Isolates from human infections and environmental sources were described as indole positive and belong to biotype 1, whereas strains recovered from diseased eels were indole-negative and classified as biotype 2. (Amaro et al., 1992; Biosca et al., 1996; Radu et al., 1998).Ability to produce indole from trypton show 60% of isolates positive classified as biotype 1, and 40% was negative to indole production classified as biotype 2 (table 2), that indole production was the single biochemical trait which distinguished biotype 1 and biotype 2 (Tison et al. 1982). All isolates in this study were positive for oxidase, majority of V. vulnificus have cytochrome c oxidase enzyme, V. vulnificus is a halophilic marine bacterium tolerant for NaCl from 1% to 10% whereas most of V. vulnificus isolates tolerant up to 6% NaCl (table 2) but no growth in 10% NaCl and 0% of NaCl (Dalsgaard et al., 1999; Elhadi, 2012). V. vulnificus grow in wide range of temperature from 13Â °C to 40Â °C, optimal temperature for isolates in this study was 37Â °C that is an optimal temperature for pathogenic bacteria. REFERENCES Horseman, M.A. and Surani, S. (2011). A comprehensive review of Vibrio vulnificus: an important cause of severe sepsis and skin and soft-tissue infection. Int. J. of Infect. Dis., 15(3):157-166. Bisharat, N., Agmon, V., Finkelstein, R., Raz, R., Ben-Dror, G., Lerner, L., et al.(1999) .Clinical, epidemiological, and microbiological features of Vibrio vulnificus biotype 3causing outbreaks of wound infection and bacteraemia in Israel. The Lancet 354(9188):1421–1424. Biosca EG, Amaro C, Larsen JL, Pedersen K (1997) Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Vibrio vulnificus: proposal for the substitution of the subspecific taxon biotype for serovar. Appl Environ Microbiol 63: 1460–1466. Tison, D.L., Nishibuchi, M., Greenwood, J.D., Seidler, R.J.(1982). Vibrio vulnificus biogroup2: new biogroup pathogenic for eels. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 44,640–646. Biosca, E. G., and Amaro C.(1996).Toxic and enzymatic activities of Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 with respect to host specificity. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:2331–2337. Paydar M, Thong K.L.(2013). Prevalence and genetic characterization of Vibrio vulnificus in raw seafood and seawater in Malaysia. J Food Prot.76(10):1797-1800. Linkous D.A. and Oliver J.D.( 1999). Pathogenesis of Vibrio vulnificus, FEMS Microbiol. Letters. 174 :207-214. Hlady WG , Klontz KC(1996). The Epidemiology of Vibrio Infections in Florida, 1981-1993, J. of Infec. Dis. 173(5):1176-1183. Elhadi N, Radu S, Chen CH, Nishibuchi M.(2004) Prevalence of potentially pathogenic Vibrio species in the seafood marketed in Malaysia. Journal of Food Protection; 67(7): 1469-75. Chuang, Y.C., Yuan, C.Y., Liu, C.Y., Lan, C.K. Huang, A.H. (1992). Vibrio vulnificus infection in Taiwan: report of 28 cases and review of clinical manifestations and treatment. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 15: 271–276. Elhadi, N. (2012). Antibiotic Resistance and Plasmid Profiling of Clinically Significant Vibrio vulnificus Isolated from Coastal Water in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 3(2): 93-97. Radu, S., Elhadi, N. Hassan, Z. Rusul, G. Lihan,S. Fifadara, N. Yuherman and E. Purwati, 1998.Characterization of Vibrio vulnificus isolated from cockles (Anadara granosa): Antimicrobial resistance,plasmid profiles and random amplification of polymorphic DNA analysis. FEMS. Microbiol.Lett.,165: 139-143. Ito, H., Shibayama A., Abe M., Antoku S., Nawata H., Isonishi M., Fujita M., Kato S. (2012). Vibrio vulnificus septicemia and necrotizing fasciitis in the patients with liver cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus. J. of Diabetes Mellitus :2(1)122-125. Dalsgaard, I., HÃ ¸i, L., Siebeling, R. J. Dalsgaard, A. (1999). Indole-positive Vibrio vulnificus isolated from disease outbreaks on a Danish eel-farm. Dis Aquat Organ 35, 187–194. Amaro, C., Biosca, E. G., Esteve, C., Fouz, B. Toranzo, A. E. (1992). Comparative study of phenotypic and virulence properties in V. vulnificus biotype 1 and 2 obtained from a European eel farm experiencing mortalities. Dis Aquat Organ 13, 29–35. Tamplin M, Rodrick G.E., Blake N.J., Cuba T.(1982). Isolation and characterization of Vibrio vulnificus from two Florida estuaries. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44:1466–1470. [DS1]Write in ful, and short capital letter with bracket after that [DS2]Write in full [DS3]Shouldn’t has dot please [DS4]Omit this part [DS5]Not clear please clarify [DS6]remove [DS7]remove [DS8] please add [DS9]remove [DS10]make sure the valu tele with your abstract [DS11]Shouldn write in bold, please write properly and precise. Too simple is not describsable [DS12]write in full [DS13]remove this column

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Search for Language in The Awakening Essay -- Chopin Awakening Es

The Search for Language in The Awakening  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, tells the story of a late nineteenth century woman trying to break away from the male-dominated society to find an identity of her own.   Edna Pontellier is trying to find herself when only two personas are available to her: the ‘true woman,’ the classic wife and mother, or the ‘new woman,’ the radical women demanding equality with men.   Patricia S. Yaeger, in her essay â€Å"‘A Language Which Nobody Understood’: Emancipatory Strategies in The Awakening,† argues that what Edna is really searching for is a female language of her own.   Edna is prevented from finding her own language and ideal and therefore is trapped until she discovers that suicide is her only way out.   The ending of the novel has been considered Edna’s final step in her search for freedom from the restrictive society she lives in.   Elaine Showalter, in her essay â€Å"Tradition and the Female Talent : The Awakening as a Solitary Book,† and others say that it is Edna’s last move towards female liberation, but is it really?   Suicide hardly seems liberating.   Edna lives in a phallocentric world where women have no identities apart from their relationships with men.   Leslies W. Rabine, in her essay â€Å"No Lost Paradise: Social Gender and Symbolic Gender in the Writings of Maxine Hong Kingston,† says that â€Å"traditional male narratives† are based â€Å"on a linear and circular quest to return to a lost paradise† (Rabine 90), however, female narratives do not have this lost paradise.   The world in which Edna lives traps her so that the paradise she is seeking cannot exist.   The paradise Edna is looking for is nothing more than a situation in which she can be truly happy.   The fundamentally phallocentric... ...Awakening.   1993: Bedford Books, New York. Griggers, Cody.   â€Å"Next Stop – Paradise: An Analysis of Setting in The Awakening.† Domestic Goddess.   Editor, Kim Wells. August 23, 1999.   Online.   Internet.   5-10-00. Rabine, Leslie W.   â€Å"No Lost Paradise: Social and Symbolic Gender in the Writings of   Maxine Hong Kingston.†Ã‚   As it appears   Ã‚  Ã‚   in: Wong, Sau-Ling Cynthia.   Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: A Casebook.   1999: Oxford University Press, New York. Showalter, Elaine.   â€Å"Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awaking as a Solitary Book.†Ã‚   As it appears in: Chopin, Kate.   The   Ã‚  Ã‚   Awakening.   1993: Bedford Books, New York. Yaeger, Patricia S.   â€Å"‘A Language Which Nobody Understood’: Emancipatory Language in The Awakening.   As it appears in: Chopin, Kate.   The Awakening.   1993: Bedford Books, New York.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Mother

This essay is about how a perfect mother looks like to me. People say that the perfect mother does not exist, I actually don’t know if that is true, but what I do know is that my mother is perfect for me. Everything in my mother is special; the way she dresses, the way she speaks, the way she behaves etc. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. For me that is my mother. Her voice calms me down. When he leaves for business trips, I feel like a part of me is missing. When he calls me to say hello, he makes everything better in a second. Just the sound of her voice is what I need from time to time. She is very good with words and almost knows what you want to hear when you are sad. The picture of my mother will ever fade away from my mind. Her curly brown hair with white strands throughout make her look younger than she is. She stands at 5’5 and weighs 145Ibs. She has smoky gray eyes that glow when the sun comes up. Her eyes sparkle and change colors depending on her mood. Her eyes and her smile light up my world. Her style of clothing is a little different from other mothers, but I love that about her. She doesn’t let anyone change her mind. She never wears heels because she hates getting dressed up but her favorite shoes of all time are Nike shocks. Being a writer explains her love for book and literature in general. She loves telling stories especially about her childhood and past experiences which she is really good at. She puts her heart and soul into whatever she writes. She has a hard time showing her feelings because of past experiences, but when she writes stories she shows it. It’s her way to express herself. Writing is her way of making her feel better and a way to express herself as a person. Her voice is being heard on paper. My mother is a fantastic cook. You will always find her in the kitchen making some sort of desert. I always used to help her make monkey bread as a little girl. She would always smell like honey and maple syrup. When I was a little girl, I would always remember when she used to tuck me into bed and kiss me goodbye I could always smell maple syrup on her. I love that smell. Even twenty five years later, the smell has never disappeared. She has the same smell that lingers off of her that brings back so many great memories for me. My mother is the kind of person that does not show her feelings a lot. She keeps her feelings to herself sometimes but when she gets the chance to show us, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. She may not kiss or hug us all the time but I always know that she loves us unconditionally. When she does hug us, I feel warm and loved. She doesn’t judge what we have done in the past or what we might do; she teaches us lessons that will help us make the right choices in life. She is the one who is always there for me. If I am having a bad day or just need someone to talk too, she is the first person I run too. She isn’t just my mom but she is my best friend. She knows me instead and out. I get most of my looks from my mom which isn’t so bad because my mom is beautiful inside and out. I am so lucky that my son has her for a grandma because he will have a great role model to look up to when he gets older. They say you will never forget the person you first laid eyes on. Without them you feel lost and not yourself. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. My Mother This essay is about how a perfect mother looks like to me. People say that the perfect mother does not exist, I actually don’t know if that is true, but what I do know is that my mother is perfect for me. Everything in my mother is special; the way she dresses, the way she speaks, the way she behaves etc. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. For me that is my mother. Her voice calms me down. When he leaves for business trips, I feel like a part of me is missing. When he calls me to say hello, he makes everything better in a second. Just the sound of her voice is what I need from time to time. She is very good with words and almost knows what you want to hear when you are sad. The picture of my mother will ever fade away from my mind. Her curly brown hair with white strands throughout make her look younger than she is. She stands at 5’5 and weighs 145Ibs. She has smoky gray eyes that glow when the sun comes up. Her eyes sparkle and change colors depending on her mood. Her eyes and her smile light up my world. Her style of clothing is a little different from other mothers, but I love that about her. She doesn’t let anyone change her mind. She never wears heels because she hates getting dressed up but her favorite shoes of all time are Nike shocks. Being a writer explains her love for book and literature in general. She loves telling stories especially about her childhood and past experiences which she is really good at. She puts her heart and soul into whatever she writes. She has a hard time showing her feelings because of past experiences, but when she writes stories she shows it. It’s her way to express herself. Writing is her way of making her feel better and a way to express herself as a person. Her voice is being heard on paper. My mother is a fantastic cook. You will always find her in the kitchen making some sort of desert. I always used to help her make monkey bread as a little girl. She would always smell like honey and maple syrup. When I was a little girl, I would always remember when she used to tuck me into bed and kiss me goodbye I could always smell maple syrup on her. I love that smell. Even twenty five years later, the smell has never disappeared. She has the same smell that lingers off of her that brings back so many great memories for me. My mother is the kind of person that does not show her feelings a lot. She keeps her feelings to herself sometimes but when she gets the chance to show us, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. She may not kiss or hug us all the time but I always know that she loves us unconditionally. When she does hug us, I feel warm and loved. She doesn’t judge what we have done in the past or what we might do; she teaches us lessons that will help us make the right choices in life. She is the one who is always there for me. If I am having a bad day or just need someone to talk too, she is the first person I run too. She isn’t just my mom but she is my best friend. She knows me instead and out. I get most of my looks from my mom which isn’t so bad because my mom is beautiful inside and out. I am so lucky that my son has her for a grandma because he will have a great role model to look up to when he gets older. They say you will never forget the person you first laid eyes on. Without them you feel lost and not yourself. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. My Mother This essay is about how a perfect mother looks like to me. People say that the perfect mother does not exist, I actually don’t know if that is true, but what I do know is that my mother is perfect for me. Everything in my mother is special; the way she dresses, the way she speaks, the way she behaves etc. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart. For me that is my mother. Her voice calms me down. When he leaves for business trips, I feel like a part of me is missing. When he calls me to say hello, he makes everything better in a second. Just the sound of her voice is what I need from time to time. She is very good with words and almost knows what you want to hear when you are sad. The picture of my mother will ever fade away from my mind. Her curly brown hair with white strands throughout make her look younger than she is. She stands at 5’5 and weighs 145Ibs. She has smoky gray eyes that glow when the sun comes up. Her eyes sparkle and change colors depending on her mood. Her eyes and her smile light up my world. Her style of clothing is a little different from other mothers, but I love that about her. She doesn’t let anyone change her mind. She never wears heels because she hates getting dressed up but her favorite shoes of all time are Nike shocks. Being a writer explains her love for book and literature in general. She loves telling stories especially about her childhood and past experiences which she is really good at. She puts her heart and soul into whatever she writes. She has a hard time showing her feelings because of past experiences, but when she writes stories she shows it. It’s her way to express herself. Writing is her way of making her feel better and a way to express herself as a person. Her voice is being heard on paper. My mother is a fantastic cook. You will always find her in the kitchen making some sort of desert. I always used to help her make monkey bread as a little girl. She would always smell like honey and maple syrup. When I was a little girl, I would always remember when she used to tuck me into bed and kiss me goodbye I could always smell maple syrup on her. I love that smell. Even twenty five years later, the smell has never disappeared. She has the same smell that lingers off of her that brings back so many great memories for me. My mother is the kind of person that does not show her feelings a lot. She keeps her feelings to herself sometimes but when she gets the chance to show us, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. She may not kiss or hug us all the time but I always know that she loves us unconditionally. When she does hug us, I feel warm and loved. She doesn’t judge what we have done in the past or what we might do; she teaches us lessons that will help us make the right choices in life. She is the one who is always there for me. If I am having a bad day or just need someone to talk too, she is the first person I run too. She isn’t just my mom but she is my best friend. She knows me instead and out. I get most of my looks from my mom which isn’t so bad because my mom is beautiful inside and out. I am so lucky that my son has her for a grandma because he will have a great role model to look up to when he gets older. They say you will never forget the person you first laid eyes on. Without them you feel lost and not yourself. Somehow they are a part of you, a part of your world, your heart.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Just in Time Approach in Inventory Management

2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd JUST IN TIME APPROACH IN INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Abdul Talib Bon (Corresponding author) Faculty of Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurship Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia Tel: +60127665756 E-mail: [email  protected] com Anny Garai Faculty of Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurship Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia Tel: +60137016298 E-mail: [email  protected] com. y Abstract Quality improvement and costs control are vital to organizations for work performance enhancement and fulfilling customers’ requirement. Inventories that are stored in large amount of quantities will result in waste and space usage. One effective solution is using Just in Time (JIT) concept as a method to reduce costs, improve quality and meet the ever-changing customer needs. The adoption of Just in Time (JIT) con cepts seems to be the most effective way to overcome these circumstances. JIT is management philosophy that emphasizes on eliminating waste and increase productivity.The main purpose of this research is to find out whether the implementation of JIT would reduce the inventories at Electronics component industry especially at the parts producing stamping of FCM. This research is done by case study. Therefore the data collection would be using secondary data which is the documentation from FCM itself and also via observation. The data were analyzed by doing the comparison before and after the implementation of JIT using Microsoft words excel. From the analysis that had been done, the implementation of JIT had increased the inventories management at the stamping parts production.As the conclusion, the implementation of JIT in the inventory management at the parts production stamping at Electronics component industry had successfully reduce the inventories level while improving the inven tory level. Keywords: Stamping Production, Just in Time, inventory management, electronics component industry. 1. Introduction Globalisation phenomena had created the business without boundaries. Most of the organisation nowadays only focuses in two main elements that can influence the global market, which is customer satisfaction and also the product and services quality.Organisation all around the world need to take the initiative to increase the product quality to satisfy the needs and customer demand that always change besides minimizing the production cost. This initiative is needed to keep the challenge at the market (Canel, et al. , 2000). One of the most effective solutions is with the application of Just in Time (JIT). Application of JIT could involve few important elements at organisation such as production level, marketing level, engineering level and purchasing level. The application of JIT more focuses on management process.Therefore, JIT can be applied at varying proce ss. (Canel, et al. , 2000). JIT is the concept of management that invented specially to avoid waste. This is in order to minimize the waste and increase the productivity (Zhu and Meredith, 1995). JIT is one type of Lean Manufacturing (Yen, 2003). Lean manufacturing is the process to control the production which depends on the demand by the customers. It is also act to reduce waste. The application of Lean Manufacturing can reduce the stock, work space and the production of raw materials. This philosophy can maximize the production (Forza, 1996).At Malaysia context, application of JIT is not popular. According to Simpson, et al. , (1998), JIT had been applied by national automotive firm as a transitory JIT. Transitory of JIT is one of the ad hoc inventory models. This is can give half of the inventory in order to reduce the production 2562 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd cost beside can make the technology transfer at the i nternational level. This research is made to study the application of Just in Time (JIT) in inventory management at stamping production at Electronics component industry. 1. Background of Study At FCM there is lot type of inventories and this requires a huge space to restore it. Therefore FCM need to prepare an enough space. How ever, this situation requires FCM to overcome the cost of restore. But this is not the really big issues to FCM. What really worries FCM management is the huge batch of inventories. The batch of inventories had caused FCM loss in profit because there is no moving out of the output to customer. Therefore the cases are also not only arises due to this problem. Besides that, in Japanese firm, the concept of keeping the inventory is a big waste in industry.Based on this problem, Heizer J. & Render B. (2006), Just in Time (JIT) is the best strategy to increase the operation especially at the inventory management. However, if the raw material cannot be delivered d uring the production, there would be a big problem. 1. 2 Problem Statement This study is to elaborate the JIT application in inventory management at the stamping production at FCM. The problems that occur in this study are what is the importance of application of JIT in order to influence the inventory management at the stamping production at FCM? 1. Objective In this research, researcher has the stand to achieve the objective so that it could be archived. The objective is to study the application of Just in Time (JIT) in inventory management at Stamping Production at Electronics component industry. 1. 4 Scope Of Study The scope of study is focused at the stamping production at Electronics component industry. The main products of FCM are keyboard and relays. Respondents that involved are top management and the staff at stamping production of FCM. Data would be collected through qualitative method and be analysed quantitatively.From this study, the researcher hopes that can help Elec tronics component industry on the applications of JIT in their operation. The researcher hopes that with this study, it can help Electronics component industry and academician which is up to the upcoming researchers. 2. Literature Review JIT is not the new concept in production sector (Stevenson, 2001). It started during 1920 and being used by Henry Ford at the automation industrial. JIT is one of the Lean Manufacturing that had been introduced by Toyota Motor Corporation to increase the work quality and production.The application of JIT in Lean Production will give good return in production process. These philosophies would make the production even faster and to reduce the inventories stock. 2. 1 Lean Production and Lean Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing first introduced as systematic ways to reduce or terminate the waste. It is the management philosophy that require commitment from responsible person that relate with reduced waste, make the work procedure become smooth and optimize the production (Chase, et al. , 2001). Lean Manufacturing firstly introduced by the Toyota Motor Corporation.Which is involved the inventory management, quality control, industrial relationship, 2563 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd employee management and relationship between factory and the suppliers (Bowen and Youngdahl, 1998). JIT is one of the elements in Lean Manufacturing meanwhile Lean Production is known as Big JIT. It is the philosophy of management operation that act to terminate the waste in every aspect in production such as industrial relationship, vendor relationship, technology, raw material management and inventories (Chase, et al. 2001). Lean Production can use to reduce time, inventories, space, employees and production cost. 2. 2 Just In Time (JIT) Usually, JIT process being implemented in the organisation that reached the highest application of JIT. Wagner M. S and Silveira- Camargos V , 2009). This is because organisation and the supplier should have a good relationship and believe because when there is demand from factory, the suppliers can supply them on time. The first way to implement JIT is build a good relationship with the suppliers, customers and also sub-contractor to reduce inventory â€Å"buffer† to few hours.According to Canel, et al. , (2000), JIT aims is to reduce time waiting during production process. Therefore, the cost of inventories not only can be minimized but also the time for the production also shortens. JIT concept is not saying about the standardisation or the way of managing but it really focusing on the zero inventories 2. 3 Benefits of Application of Just In Time in Lean Production The application of JIT would give a lot of benefits such as to the producer to increase the quality to fulfil the customer demands and reduce the inventories and built a good relationship with the supplier (Salaheldin, 2005).Positive of JIT application can successfu lly give benefit to three communities, which is supplier only, purchased only or both. The benefits are, reducing in inventories and time waiting for the inventories, increase the quality and technical support, increase productivity, reduce waste and machine maintenance (Wafa, et al. , 1996). JIT actually help to reduce machine maintenance and at the same time, to make sure the suppliers can produce the inventories on time (Yasin, et al. , 2001). According to Yasin, et al. 2002), the big problem of JIT application is employer issues and the suppliers. Employer issue is about the objection of JIT concept, less supportive of JIT and less of employees. 3. Methodology This study is using action research that is descriptive and makes the research by quantitative. In this study, researcher would use observation and data collection from the result of the observation. 4. Data Analysis 4. 1 Introduction This chapter would discuss and analysis the data that had been collected from FCM.There a re four different data that had been provided by the researcher according to the case. For the first case, the researcher would get the standard time during the raw material collected from the rack and the replace at the turn table using forklift. The second case is the machine die setup. Meanwhile the third case is standard time for winding process. The time is counted during the winding process and the material place at the stand before and after the winding process. For the last case, is during packing and deliver the part to the warehouse.This chapter also would discuss about type of test and analysis to the case to make sure that the data is valid and researcher can get a clear vision about the elements of Just in Time (JIT) being implemented by the FCM. 2564 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd 4. 2 Results of Study In this study, researcher would discuss the results that researcher gets from the study. All the data that had been collected by the researcher would be divided according to the case and according to the flow chart of stamping production refer to Figure 1.Figure 1 shows Standard Time (ST) and Cycle Time (CT) according to the cases that had been studied. ST = 10. 8 min CT = 10 times ST = 480 min ST = 5. 37 min ST = 17 min KES 1 KES 2 KES 3 KES 4 Raw Material Stamping Process Winding Packing Warehouse Figure 1: Stamping Flow Chart 4. 2. 1 Analysis of Case 1 This section would show the data collected from case 1 for the application before and after the part production stamping. In this case 1 (refer Figure 2) the standard time would be the counting from the raw materials from the racks to the turntable using forklift and then the return back of the forklift to the place.Refer from Figure 3 as shown the graphs for before and after the applications of JIT for case 1. ST/CT Raw Material Stamping Process Figure 2: Case 1 2565 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 3: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 1) 4. 2. 2 Analysis of Case 2 For case 2, (refer Figure 4) is to reduce the standard time that is using for die setup. Figure 5 showed the graph before and after application of JIT. . ST Stamping Process Figure 4: Case 2 Winding 2566 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING d nd Figure 5: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 2) 4. 2. 3 Analysis Case 3 For case 3, (refer Figure 6) is to reduce standard time for winding process. Figure 7show before and after application of JIT for Case 3. ST Winding Figure 6: Case 3 Packing 2567 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 7: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 3) 4. 2. 4 Analysis Case 4 For case 4, (refer Figure 8) is to reduce standard time during packing and deliver to warehouse. Figure 9 show the application of JIT before and af ter. ST PackingFigure 8: Case 4 Warehouse 2568 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 9: Graph Before and After Application JIT (Case 4) 5. Conclusion The purpose of this study is to make sure the application of concept Just In Time (JIT) at Electronics component industry especially at the stamping production. This chapter would discuss about the results of the analysis according to the objective and problem statement. The discussion would focus in certain case at stamping production depend of the results that analyze from before and after the application of JIT.Besides that, this chapter also would discuss the suggestion. After the analysis, application JIT in inventory management at stamping production is depend on the activities below: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Raw material always in enough quantities. Work in process always at the minimum quantities. Finished good would directly deliver to buyers. Wasting work in process seldom occur. Buffer stocks always at the minimum quantity. Delivering raw material depends on demand only. Space for inventories is small. Time table scheduling is made by the suppliers.Delivering materials is more often and only at small size. 2569 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd (x) (xi) (xii) Long term relationship is built between suppliers. Suppliers is advised to use the application of Just in Time (JIT) , and The employers should give the commitment on inventories and quality. Besides that, researcher has little suggestion to the upcoming interested researchers with the concept of Just in Time. The suggestions are: (i) this research only limited at one factory which is Electronics component industry.The next researcher should broaden their scope of study; (ii) Future study on the application of JIT concept especially in the purchasing and engineering level; and further study about the elemen ts associated with JIT. References Bowen, D. E. & Youngdahl, W. E. (1998). Lean Service: In Defence of A Production-Line Approach. International Journal of Service Industry Management. 9(3). 207-225. Canel, C. , et al. (2000). Just-in-time Is Not Just for Manufacturing: A Service Perspective. Industrial Management and Data System. 100(2). 51-60 Chase R. B. , et al. (2001). Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. th ed. N. Y. : McGraw-Hill. 394-417. Forza, C. (1996). Work Organization in Lean Production and Traditional Plants: What Are the differences?. International Journal of Operation and Production Management. 16(2). 42-62. Salaheldin, S. I. (2005). JIT Implementation in Egptian Manufacturing Firms: Some Emperical Evidence. International Journal of Operation and Production Management. 25(4). 354-370. Simpson, M. , et al. (1998). Case Study: Transitory JIT as Proton Cars, Distribution and Logistics Management. 28(2). 121-142. Malaysia. International Journal of Physical St evenson, G. (2001).Just-in-time: The Reincarnation of Past Theory and Practice. Management Decision. 39(10). 866-879. Wafa, M. A. , et al. (1996). The Impact of Supplier Proximity on JIT Success: An Information Perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 26(4). 23-34. Yasin, M. Y. , et al. (2001). Just-in-time Implementation in the Public Sector. International Journal of Operation and Production Management. 21(9). 1195-1204 Zhu, Z. & Meredith, P. H. (1995). Defining Critical Elements in JIT Implementation: A Survey. Industrial Management and Data System. 95(8). 21-28. 2570

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Differences Between an Initialism and an Acronym

Differences Between an Initialism and an Acronym An initialism is an  abbreviation that consists of the first letter or letters of words in a phrase, such as EU (for European Union) and NFL (for National Football League).  Also called an alphabetism.   Initialisms are  usually shown in  capital letters, without spaces or periods between them.  Unlike acronyms, initialisms are not spoken as words; they are spoken letter by letter.   Examples and Observations ABC (American Broadcasting Company, Australian Broadcasting Corporation), ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), CNN (Cable News Network), DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), HTML  (HyperText Markup Language),  IBM (International Business Machines Corporation), NBC (National Broadcasting Company)Some names that began as initialisms have evolved into brands independent of their original meanings. For example, CBS, the American radio and television network, was created in 1928 as the Columbia Broadcasting System. In 1974, the name of the company was legally changed to CBS, Inc., and in the late 1990s, it became CBS Corporation.Similarly, the letters in the names SAT and ACT no longer represent anything. Originally known as the Scholastic Achievement Test, the SAT became an Aptitude Test in 1941 and an Assessment Test in 1990. Finally, in 1994, the name was officially changed to SAT (or, in full, SAT Reasoning Test) , with the letters signifying nothing. Two years later, American College Testing followed suit and changed the name of its test to ACT. Initialisms and Acronyms   My favorite current acronym is the DUMP, a term universally used in Durham, New Hampshire to refer to a local supermarket with the unwittingly unfortunate name the Durham Market Place. Initialisms are  similar to acronyms in that they are composed of the first letters of a phrase, but unlike acronyms, they are pronounced as a series of letters. So most people in the US refer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation as the FBI...Other initialisms are PTA for Parent Teacher Association, PR for either public relations or personal record, and NCAA for National College Athletic Association.(Rochelle Lieber, Introducing Morphology. Cambridge University Press, 2010) [S]ometimes a letter in an initialism is formed not, as the term might imply, from an initial letter but rather from an initial sound (as the X in XML, for extensible markup language), or from the application of a number (W3C, for World Wide Web Consortium). Furthermore, an acronym and an initialism are occasionally combined (JPEG), and the line between initialism and acronym is not always clear (FAQ, which can be pronounced either as a word or as a series of letters).(The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. The University of Chicago Press, 2010) CD-ROM CD-ROM is an interesting mix because it brings together an initialism (CD) and an acronym (ROM). The first part is sounded letter by letter, the second part is a whole word.(David Crystal, The Story of English in 100 Words. St. Martins Press, 2012) Usage The first time an acronym or initialism appears in a written work, write the complete term, followed by an abbreviated form in parentheses. Thereafter, you may use the acronym or initialism alone.(G. J. Alred, C. T. Brusaw, and W. E. Oliu, Handbook of Technical Writing, 6th ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2000 AWOL In AWOLAll Wrong Old Laddiebuck, an animated film by Charles Bowers, a woman presents her calling card to a soldier and it reads Miss Awol. She then lures him away from camp without permission. The film is silent, of course, given the 1919 date, but the calling card indicates that AWOL is pronounced as a word, making it a true acronym and not just an initialism.(David Wilton and Ivan Brunetti, Word Myths. Oxford University Press, 2004) Pronunciation: i-NISH-i-liz-em EtymologyFrom the Latin, beginning

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Album Graphics of Storm Thorgerson essays

The Album Graphics of Storm Thorgerson essays The album art works of Storm Thorgerson and the music of Pink Floyd are part and parcel of the same production. To understand the art work it is necessary to discuss where the movement came from that firstly led to the music as this directly relates to the artwork as the visual metaphor. To understand this, it is important to discuss what happened in previous generations and how this affected the evolution of styles and culture. The key to this issue lies within the1950s; previous to this, youth culture did not exist. The school leaving age was fourteen and the vast majority of leavers went straight into employment. Further education was normally in the form of an apprentiship if at all, of course there were universities but this option was only open to the more affluent classes so that was the exception and the former being the rule. Post war affluence and a baby boom created a generation of youths (totalling around 70 million worldwide) that were staying in full time education longer and had more spending power. This coupled with growing commercialisation; firstly it created a youth culture that was not apparent before and secondly a diversity that segmented this new market. Youths did not have to take a responsible approach to life at such an early age, thus ex perimentation was happening on all levels. The key characteristics of youth culture are; an emphasis on leisure rather than work and a greater affiliation within ones peer group rather than within the family. When discussing Pink Floyd or the 1970s in general drug culture is an issue of importance. The 1950s was the first era of recreational experimentation with illicit substances. Firstly marijuana, this as a drug did not come into prevalence till the 1960s with the arrival of festivals and the hippy culture. Previous to the 1950s, the government stance was that it was an addictive substance with psychotic properties, and users were known...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bones of the Buddha - Excavating the Piprahwa Stupa

Bones of the Buddha - Excavating the Piprahwa Stupa 2013. Secrets of the Dead: Bones of the Buddha. Directed and written by Steven Clarke. Executive producers Steve Burns and Harry Marshall. Produced by Icon Films for Thirteen and WNET. Featuring Charles Allen, Neil Peppe, Harry Falk, Bhante Piyapala Chakmar, and Mridula Srivastava. Special thanks to the Archaeological Survey of India, the Indian Museum of Kolkata, the Mahabodhi Temple committee, Dr. S. K. Mittra, the Srivastava Family and Ram Singh Ji. 54 minutes; DVD and BluRay The Bones of the Buddha is an historical entry in the PBS series Secrets of the Dead, published in 2013 and touching on the politically dicey discussion of religion and history in India. Centered around the ongoing research of historian Charles Allen, Bones of the Buddha tells the story of the stupa at Piprahwa, a Buddhist sacred structure in the Basti district of Uttar Pradesh in India. Piprahwa is believed by some scholars to be near the site of Kapilavastu, the capital of the Shakyan state, and the Shakyas were the family of the man who would become the historical Buddha [Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni, 500-410 BC], the center of the Buddhist religion. But more than that: Piprahwa is, or rather was, the family burial place of some of the Buddhas ashes. Historical and Archaeological Investigations Bones of the Buddha details the investigations by amateur archaeologist William Claxton Peppe, professional archaeologist Dr. K.M. Srivastava, and historian Charles Allen to identify one of the most important of the several burial places of the ashes of the Buddha: that belonging to the Buddhas family. After his death, so the legend goes, the Buddhas ashes were divided into eight parts, one part of which was given to the Buddhas clan. Evidence of the Shakya family burial place of the Buddhas ashes was ignored for nearly 100 years due to the damage inflicted by a corrupt archaeologist: Dr. Alois Anton FÃ ¼hrer. FÃ ¼hrer was the head of the British colonial archaeological center for northern India, a German archaeologist who was at the center of a scandal concerning faked and looted artifacts, attributed falsely to the Buddha. But when the excavations at Piprahwa were being undertaken by W.C. Peppe in the late 19th century, the scandal was yet a few months away: but near enough in time to cast doubt on the authenticity of the finds. The Buddhas Cache What Peppe found buried deeply within the enormous stupa was a stone reliquary, within which were five small jars. In the jars were hundreds of tiny jewels in the shapes of flowers. More were scattered within the reliquary, intermingled with burned bone fragments of the Buddha himself: this burial is believed to have been placed here by Buddhas disciple, King Ashoka, 250 years after the Buddhas death. In the 1970s, archaeologist K. M. Srivastava reexcavated at Piprahwa and found, beneath Ashokas elaborate burial, a simpler burial place, believed to have been the original site where the Buddhas family placed the remains. Indian History The story brought forward by Bones of the Buddha is a fascinating one: one of the British Raj in India, when the amateur archaeologist W.C. Peppe plowed a trench through an enormous stupa and found the 4th century BC burial remains. The story continues in the 1970s, with K. M. Srivastava, a young Indian archaeologist who was convinced that Piprahwa was Kapilavastu, the capital of the Sakyan state. And finally it concludes with modern historian Charles Allen, who wanders suburban England and northern India in search of the artifacts, the language and the history behind the stupa at Piprahwa. Most of the all, the video (and the sites investigations for that matter) is excellent as an introduction to the archaeology and history of Buddhism. The Buddhas life, where he was born, how he came to become enlightened, where he died and what happened to his cremated remains are addressed. Also involved in the story is the leader Ashoka, Buddhas disciple, who 250 years after Buddhas death promulgated the religious teachings of the holy man. Ashoka was responsible, say the scholars, for the placing the Buddhas ashes here in a stupa fit for royalty. And finally, Bones of the Buddha provides the viewer with an introduction to the broadening of Buddhism, how it came to be that 2,500 years after the Buddha died, 400 million people world wide are following his teachings. Bottom Line I very much enjoyed this video, and I learned a lot. I dont know much at all about Buddhist archaeology or history, and it was good to have a bit of a starting point. I was surprised to see, or rather not see, any Indian archaeologists interviewed during the filming: although S. K. Mittra and the Archaeological Survey of India are credited at the end, and Allen visits the sites and museums where the relics are deposited. That circumstance led me to do a bit more investigation on my own; more of that later. We cant really ask more of a video: to pique the viewers interest into the past. Bones of the Buddha is a fascinating video, and well worth added to your viewing choices. Disclosure: A review copy was provided by the publisher. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Decadal Sand Bar Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Decadal Sand Bar Behavior - Essay Example Tough availability of the material is of equal importance in forming a sand bar; the size of the material of the Sand Bar depends on the size of the waves or the strength of the material. As a bar is merely a disposition of material by the water, in case of vessel grounding on these bars is worse off than grounding on stationary rocks. This is because of the more destruction caused by the shifting action of these materials. These bars can spread over a considerable range in size and length, from just a couple of meters in a small stream to large depositions stretching over hundreds of kilometres along a coastline, commonly known as barrier islands. Long shore currents or even fluvial currents in the shallow water coastal environments are responsible for the construction of submerged bars. These bars are strongly determined by the amount of unused sediment available along a shore. These sediments along the shore are called its "sand budget" and determine the number of bars that form along the coastline. The types of submerged bars and the orientations and shapes are controlled by the way the sediments are transported through the shore zone. Along the shoreline which is mostly dominated by waves, the shore current carry and deposit the sediments along the shore face in parallel bars to the shore. ... The phenomena of wave refraction and zone interaction are also responsible for creating shore currents that helps the disposition and transportation of sand particles in deep water. Tides also are a major medium of transportation of the sediments; submerged tidal bars which are perpendicular to the coastline are also formed due to these bidirectional tidal currents. There are tidal deltas which are kinds of submerged bars formed on either side of the island inlet due to the tides which transport sand into and out of coast through barrier island inlets. These submerged bars are also formed in places where the rivers enter the ocean. When fresh water from a curbed channel discharges into the ocean having salt water, the current becomes slow and deposit its sediment at the mouth of the river called the channel mouth bar. Many of these different kinds of submerged bars namely long shore bars, channel mouth bars and the tidal bars coexist in a same environment. This is due to the wave action and tidal currents which influence the shore to a great extent. Shore parallel and perpendicular processes create bars with intermediate curved or diagonally oriented structures. These submerged bars characteristically obstruct natural and man-made outlets into the ocean, and are hazards well know to the navigation. Offshore features of a beach include bars that that are formed at or off the shore of a sea or a river. There are times when large waves attack the beach shore-zone and some of the beach's sand is redistributed off the shore resulting in a sandbar or long shore bar. Due to these bars forms the waves start breaking and because these breaking waves set up currents towards the shore with a currents countering along the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Little tokyo, los angeles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Little tokyo, los angeles - Essay Example These men worked as laborers in ranches, road building, gardens and laundry. They faced heavy discrimination in the late 19th century. However, despite the discrimination, Chinese people occupied greater positions, especially, in the laundry and agricultural sector. As a result, they expanded their territory hence acquiring more blocks and buildings. In addition, their population also increased to 3000. However, over the years, the Exclusion Act Laws restricted any large increase in growth. These laws prohibited the Chinese people from owning land, and it forced them to lease or rent units for their homes and businesses. Between 1890 and 1910, Chinatown comprised 15 streets and alleys, and the building units were about 200 units. Apart from this space, Chinatown also had three temples, a theatre, its own newspaper, and a telephone exchange. In addition, the town had few women; therefore, the Exclusion Act was lifted so that Chinese women and children could also immigrate over to join the Chinese men present in Los Angeles (Cho, 14-26). This resulted to community organization. Since the government prohibited the Chinese to have ownership of their personal property, few of them improvised and maintained their properties. This resulted to a decline in the appearance of the old Chinatown. The Chinese did not mind about how the town looked, for instance, they never paved the streets during the end of the old Chinatown. In the end, the Chinese lost all their property because they gave up fighting for whether or not they legally owned the lands they had dearly paid for. In addition, all the improvements and payments had been rendered private. Therefore, there existed no valid proof of anything in consideration to land. As a result, the Chinese were forced to leave their homes, hence the collapse of the old Chinatown (Cho, 27). Fortunately, this collapse resulted to the formation of the new Chinatown; two years after the

The relationship between science and nature in Frankenstein Essay

The relationship between science and nature in Frankenstein - Essay Example Written in the middle of the 1960s, Pynchon was reflecting a culture gone crazy in which meaning was lost in the chaotic shuffle of Civil Rights, women’s rights, the Vietnam War and numerous other world-shaking events. While names such as Oedipa Maas, Mucho Maas and Pierce Inverarity do convey meaning of a sort regarding the personalities of these characters, they do not help in identifying a ‘constellation’ within the novel. Oedipa Maas is the protagonist of the story who is shaken out of her humdrum relatively normal California suburbia lifestyle with the news that her ex-boyfriend, Pierce Inverarity, has named her the executor of his will. There is an undeniable connection between her name and the name of a legendary king of Thebes from a play by Socrates. In Socrates’ play, the main character, Oedipus, learns that there is a great mystery that no one has yet been able to solve and sets out to answer the question of who killed the old king only to learn to his own ruin that it was Oedipus himself. In much the same way, Oedipa learns of a mystery that no one else has yet been able to solve – the mystery of the Trystero. In attempting to solve the mystery, which may actually be no mystery at all, Oedipa loses connection with her own life thus finding nothing but her own ruin at the end of the hunt. Her almost hallucinatory night spent wandering the streets of the city seems to suggest the type of blind wandering that Oedipus embarked upon at the end of his story. â€Å"She stood between the public booth and the rented car, in the night, her isolation complete, and tried to face toward the sea. But she’d lost her bearings. She turned, pivoting on one stacked heel, could find no mountains either† (177). Having lost touch with the people in her life, she could no longer even find herself within the landscape. Her last name, Maas, has several possible connotations including its synonym, mass which is traditionally difficult to get

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

History - Essay Example This changed Ida’s destiny, since she was able to attend university unlike other children born to slaves. Ida had several memories of slavery and during her adulthood, she made a vow to fight for racial justice. Among the racial and gender stereotypes that Ida was challenging discrimination of blacks by whites, the killings of blacks by whites, rapes of Negro girls and women by white men, stereotyping upon black men as rapists, and economic destruction of blacks by whites. During the periods of post-reconstruction and post-emancipation, racial categories in America were on the rise and this promoted more lynching crimes. Wells first encounter with racial discrimination happened when she boarded a train, but was forced out of the train for sitting in the section meant for whites. Despite suing the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad company, she lost her case against the train company, the main reason being the fact that she was black. According to Waldrep, â€Å"in 1887, the crusadi ng journalist Ida B. Wells lost faith in the law when the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled against her suit against a train company that had forced her from the white section of its train† (52). All along, Wells had believed that the law would be impartial in its ruling, but like other black leaders she generated doubts on whether the law and constitutionalism could sufficiently fight white oppression. During the 19th century, lynching of blacks by whites was a common occurrence. Wells had however not faced any lynching incident although she knew that the crime existed. She began her campaign against lynching five years after the train incident, when a quarrel between blacks and whites broke out at a neighborhood in Memphis. The reason for the quarrel was the opening up of a grocery store meant to provide the black population with cheap groceries by three black men namely; Henry Stewart, Calvin McDowell, and Thomas Moss, who were friends to Wells. The grocery store belonging to t he three black men was located across a grocery store owned by whites and the fact that the black men had decided to sell their groceries at a price they perceived fair to the black community angered the whites. Both communities knowing of the intentions of each other organized mobs, so when the white community went to the store to attack the owners, the three owners and the entire black mob was ready. The three white men that invaded the store were shot by the owners and this led to the arrest of the three black men. According to Wells, â€Å"the three business partners were jailed and charged with wounding white men , despite their doing so in what they had thought was defense of their property† (3). The arrest and subsequent actions towards the three black men were supposed to follow the law, but this did not happen. White newspapers emphasized the issue of the blacks being wrong, and at no instance did they mention the intentions of the white mob for invading the grocery store owned by blacks. Asante asserts that the newspapers elevated â€Å"white anger and gave rise to the formation of another white mob, this time outside the jail where the three blacks were being held and resulting in their murder† (164). This and many other similar incidents are evidence of lynching against blacks and economic destruction of blacks by whites in the 19th century, aimed at keeping the black race down by eliminating any blacks who seemed to have the potential of being economically successful. This is supported by

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cost Benefit Analysis and US Health Care Research Paper

Cost Benefit Analysis and US Health Care - Research Paper Example This paper will describe how Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) can assist the US healthcare to address the issue of rising costs. ‘Cost-Effectiveness Analysis’ and U.S. Health Care is an article written by Uwe E. Reinhardt and published in the Today’s Economist blog. In the first part of the article, Reinhardt particularly says about the current significance of ‘comparative effectiveness analysis’ in the US healthcare. The author suggests that clinical practice guidelines promulgated by medical specialty societies must be based on a well structured comparative effectiveness analysis so as to deliver better outcomes to patients as well as the Federal government. He also recommends the introduction of a ‘comparative cost-effectiveness analysis’ with intent to establish least-cost therapeutic strategies capable of achieving a given therapeutic goal. Reinhardt clearly tells that two distinct groups oppose cost-effectiveness analysis in the US healthcare. According to the author, the manufacturers of pharmaceutical and biotechnology products or of medical devices often constitute the first group whereas the second group is comprised of â€Å"individuals who sincerely believe that health and life are priceless† (Reinhardt, 2009). In the article, Reinhardt mainly describes two interconnected approaches, such as comparative effectiveness analysis and comparative cost-effectiveness analysis to improve the overall health benefits delivered to patients and to trim down the cost of health products and services. Comparative effectiveness analysis is a better tool to compare and evaluate two potential choices and to identify the most feasible one. Under this method, positive and negative consequences of different choices under consideration are scrutinized, and finally the most effective choice is identified. The major strength of the comparative effectiveness analysis is that it

The standard constitution in international law Research Proposal

The standard constitution in international law - Research Proposal Example (thesis). Generally, every nation has constitutional law which can be of primary and secondary nature. As per HG ( 2014) â€Å"Constitutional law deals with the fundamental principles by which the government exercises its authority†. The primary law need to apply to all of the country’s constitution whereas the secondary constitutional law may or may not be applied by a nation. The constitutional law has an aim of improving the life’s of its citizen by promoting freedom and equality. The allocation o f power and individual rights for the betterment of a nation is the purpose of constitutional law. This would allow the country to be more economic and trade friendly, fair and justifiable. According to Balkin (1998) â€Å"Alternatively, the history of constitutional law is taught as the history of great jurists who show the rest of us the way through their wisdom or their folly†. A correct constitutional theory can get the best out of the constitutional law which gives more outcomes and reflect an ideal national value. The theory of constitutional law has a goal of satisfy the requirement of law, preserving fairness and democracy and promote justice. One of the theory of constitution law is originals where original understanding in regard to the language used in the formulation of constitutional law. As per Fish (2008) â€Å"Seeking the best interpretation of the Constitution, on the other hand, is seeking the interpretation that satisfies some extra-authorial standard which are morally and philosophically best†. Positivism is a theory that means that the constitutional law of a country need to look at the values and rights it promotes. The prosperity and integrity of the public needs to be considered at large when it comes to the constitution of international law. As per (Hart) â€Å"One of these thinkers, Gustav Rad- bruch, had himself shared the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cost Benefit Analysis and US Health Care Research Paper

Cost Benefit Analysis and US Health Care - Research Paper Example This paper will describe how Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) can assist the US healthcare to address the issue of rising costs. ‘Cost-Effectiveness Analysis’ and U.S. Health Care is an article written by Uwe E. Reinhardt and published in the Today’s Economist blog. In the first part of the article, Reinhardt particularly says about the current significance of ‘comparative effectiveness analysis’ in the US healthcare. The author suggests that clinical practice guidelines promulgated by medical specialty societies must be based on a well structured comparative effectiveness analysis so as to deliver better outcomes to patients as well as the Federal government. He also recommends the introduction of a ‘comparative cost-effectiveness analysis’ with intent to establish least-cost therapeutic strategies capable of achieving a given therapeutic goal. Reinhardt clearly tells that two distinct groups oppose cost-effectiveness analysis in the US healthcare. According to the author, the manufacturers of pharmaceutical and biotechnology products or of medical devices often constitute the first group whereas the second group is comprised of â€Å"individuals who sincerely believe that health and life are priceless† (Reinhardt, 2009). In the article, Reinhardt mainly describes two interconnected approaches, such as comparative effectiveness analysis and comparative cost-effectiveness analysis to improve the overall health benefits delivered to patients and to trim down the cost of health products and services. Comparative effectiveness analysis is a better tool to compare and evaluate two potential choices and to identify the most feasible one. Under this method, positive and negative consequences of different choices under consideration are scrutinized, and finally the most effective choice is identified. The major strength of the comparative effectiveness analysis is that it

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Quantitative Decision Making-Inventory Control Models Essay

Quantitative Decision Making-Inventory Control Models - Essay Example Certain indicators tell us how inventory levels have been managed, as stated by Fleet-management consultant Roger Thompson, vice president, management, fleet and facilities with Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corp (Skipper 1). Roger Thomson has found some common parameters on controlling inventory levels, which can be used to fleets overboard irrespective of the industry sector they serve. Topmost priority is to find the major share of the parts stocked. What matters is the dollar value of parts released from stock divided by the dollar value of all parts released off late. There should be probability of around 50 or 60 percent of the time the inventory part is available. If it is not so, then certainly things need to change. If the availability of the part is quite high, say near to 98 percent, it is a sign of overstocking of that part (Skipper 1). Another parameter of maintaining the right stock is the stock movement rate. If the number of stock lines without any exit in the previous 12 months is divided by number of stock lines, it should not be more than 5 percent (Skipper 1). One of the leading parameters of well controlled inventory is the inventory turn rate, according to Thompson, which can be arrived at by deriving the value of all parts released from the stock keeping unit and dividing it by the dollar amount of average annual inventory (Skipper 1).

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance Of Effective Maintenance

The Importance Of Effective Maintenance Since the maintenance has significant impacts in industry, it has received a deep attention from the expert and practical maintenance. According to study, maintenance costs can represent from 15% to 40% of the costs of goods produced [x2]. Maintenance of process equipment is one of the inescapable tasks associated with the operation of industrial plants and until relatively recently, it was implemented either on a routine basis or after the failure of equipment. Attitudes are changing and now many organisations are adopting methods for identifying incipient faults, so that maintenance can be scheduled before there has been a failure, which would lead to loss of production and spoilage of raw material. Plants and different machine centres are assembled from a wide variety of mechanical and electrical equipment, which due to their very nature are subject to wear, corrosion, erosion and other forms of degradation [1]. It is widely accepted that intelligent, sensor based manufacturing is vital to achieve a high availability level of the sophisticated manufacturing systems in conjunction with high quality levels of manufactured components. Advanced sensor design, coupled with signal processing technologies, permits improved information about the process condition enabling process optimisation and control. It is not adequate to have information relating solely to the tool condition. Additional capabilities such as in process quality control and machine tool diagnostics are a requirement of the future, i.e. a shift from monitoring the tool condition to monitoring the process condition and the resulting part quality. [2] The use of mechanical vibration and acoustic emission signals for fault diagnosis in rotating machinery has grown significantly due to advances in the progress of digital signal processing algorithms and implementation techniques. The conventional diagnosis technology using acoustic an d vibration signals already exists in the form of techniques applying the time and frequency domain of signals, and analysing the difference of signals in the spectrum. Unfortunately, in some applications the performance is limited, such as when the signals caused by a damaged element are buried in background noise. [x3] In recent years, the possibility of obtaining more detailed information regarding the operation of process equipment by applying signal analysis techniques to conventional process measurements has, hitherto, been largely overlooked. This is because the principal purpose of the majority of process measurement systems is to provide a smooth signal for process control purposes. Therefore most process measurement systems are designed to produce a steady output signal, which is achieved by restricting the frequency response of the measurement system and thereby suppressing the noise component. [1] Signal transients are generally characterised by a short duration in time as compared to the observation interval. Research has shown that very important measurement information is often associated with the transients [1,2]. For example the vibration signals generated on a gearbox, the transients usually correspond to the local fault of the gear teeth, such as deformation, breakage and fracture. Thus analysing the transients of gearbox vibrations is useful for representing the characteristics of the gearbox health. However, it is not an easy task because the vibration measurements often carry heavy noise in the working environment, which could bury the essential vibration information of gears. Therefore, it is important and necessary to detect the transients with the machine health information in the very low signal-to-noise ratio conditions [3,4]. 1.2. Previous Work: This section contains information about the previous work that has been carried out with regards to condition monitoring and signal processing techniques. It also provides an outline of the different modern signal processing techniques used by researchers to identify faults with various machine components. 1.2.1 Machine tool A machine management system was developed at Cardiff University as a part of the MIRAM project (Machine Management for Increasing Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) that provides rapid fault diagnosis and allows the implementation of a predictive maintenance strategy [4]. This was used to extract data from the machine components by the sensors attached to it. The data processing methods implemented in the system allowed the characterization of normal and faulty behaviour of the machine component under investigation. An analysis has demonstrated the application of vibration monitoring using signal processing techniques such as Skewness, Standard deviation, RMS (Root Mean Square) and Kurtosis on the spindle system of machine tools. The results obtained from a signal after implementing kurtosis as a signal processing technique show a relatively high kurtosis value compared to other signals, which indicates a fault, associated with the spindle system. This analysis also describes the variations in the transients obtained from the coolant system of the machine tool. [5] Water treatment plant The research work conducted by a PhD student on the WRAP (Water Resources and Action Programme) test rig set-up at Cardiff University focuses on analysing the flow, pressure and pump speed request characteristics with respect to blockages induced on different valves. This analysis also studies the performance of the plant in relation to any leakages occurring in the system. Another analysis, which studies the performance of the same water filtration plant considers inducing 25 %, 50%, 75 % and 100 % blockages on the valves pre and post the pump. A fault dictionary created using a mathematical model approach was used to differentiate between the pre and post pump blockages and their degree of severities. [6] Use of modern signal processing techniques A review of modern signal processing techniques applicable to the analysis of signals whose frequency content is non-stationary has been studied in (R. Burnett, J.F. Watson*, S. Elder) [7]. Techniques like FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), STFT (Short-Time Fourier Transform) and Spectrogram have been discussed and compared using both test and actual data. Results are presented which identify the technique most appropriate for the task of fault detection in machine components under transient conditions [7]. A continuous wavelet transform (CWT) technique used for fault signal diagnosis in an internal combustion engine and its coolant system by using vibration signals has been studied by Wu Chen (2005) [8]. The advantages of using this technique for the characterization of transitory features of non-stationary signals have also been identified. Another journal contains a detailed study of the raw data obtained from physical machine parameters. It reviews the implementation of various modern signal processing and analysis techniques in time and frequency domain. Analysing signals in time domain for an initial analysis does not necessarily provide meaningful information due to background noise but transforming the signals into frequency domain provides detailed information. Further analysis shows how the vibration harmonics are linked to the identification of different types of machine faults. The harmonics within the signal categorising a component as faulty can be compared with the amplitude of those corresponding to components in a healthy condition to identify machines condition. [9] Aims of the project: The aims of the project are enumerated below: Study the characteristics and relevance of different modern signal processing techniques for the task of early fault detection in industrial machine components. Apply these modern signal processing techniques using Matlab to an archive of machine tool and water treatment plant signals obtained from the data acquisition system (DAS) and from a knowledge transfer program (KTP). Analyse these Matlab processed signals and identify the characteristics of the signal indicating a normal or faulty behaviour of the component under analysis. Chapter 2: Applications / Systems under study Wadkin V4-6 FMC: The Wadkin vertical machining centre was designed as a flexible manufacturing cell to perform operations on small to medium sized components. It comprises a fixed base, a single column, three axes of movements, an automatic tool changer, eight pallet loading stations and pallet transporter. Figure 2 shows a schematic of the machine tool centre. The Y-axis of the machine is formed by 4 hardened and ground steel slide-ways, which are fixed to the cast iron base of the machine. A table, which slides on low-friction strips can be moved to the left or right to form the X axis, by a motor. The Z-axis of the machine is formed by a cast iron column, which is bolted to the rear and upper surface of the base. This axis is moved and controlled in the same way as the X and Y axes. The head of the machine comprises the tool spindle, which is driven via a pair of pulleys, a belt and an electric motor. A tacho-generator attached to the motor is used to control the spindle speed. An encoder driven by a belt around the spindle is used to control the spindle position and orientation. Inside the spindle is a draw-bar with a spring (a stack of Belleville washers), which holds a tool in the spindle. A tool can be ejected from the spindle by activating a hydraulic cylinder above the spindle. This machining centre also consists of a tool transfer system and a 150 tool store is located to the right of the machine cell. The tool comprises 5 disks, attached to a vertical shaft, from which 30 tools can be hung. This shaft can be indexed to present a tool on each of the disk to the tool and horizontally between the spindle and the disks. On this mechanism is a pair of grippers, which holds a tool when being transport between the tool store and the spindle. [11] 2.1.1 Wadkin V4-6 Coolant system: Coolant systems are used in various application to pump liquids to cool and lubricate work pieces and cutting tools. The main objectives of the coolant system used for this application were to:- Prevent tool, work piece and machine components over heating. Increase tool life by reducing cutting forces. Improve surface finish Help clear swarf from the cutting area The cutter coolant system as shown in the schematic diagram Figure 1, comprises of two reservoirs each having a capacity of 39 litres located at either side of the machine base. The motor driven pump is controlled by means of a switch on the pendant control panel and can be switched off if coolant is not required for particular operations. The coolant pump motor on this machine cannot be switched on or off by means of programmed commands. Coolant is pumped via solenoid operated valves and a manually operated flow control/shut-off valve to the coolant outlets at the spindle nose. With the coolant pump motor running, coolant is turned on or off by SOV12 (flood coolant) and SOV51 (inducer coolant) which are energised or de-energised by programmed demands. Coolant flow is manually regulated by means of the flow control/shut-off tap located on the machine guard. Used cutter coolant drains back to the reservoirs where wire-mesh strainers prevent the ingress of large particles of swarf. A replaceable wire gauze filter is fitted to the pump inlet. The electrical system required to operate the pump motor and the two solenoids operated flow control valves comprises of three relays activated by command from the controller. These connect the flow control valve solenoids to the 110V AC supply and the pump motor to the 415V AC three phase supply. 2.1.2 Coolant systems component specifications: Table 1: Wadkin V4/6 Coolant systems component specifications Label as on diagram Component Description 1 Reservoir 2 tanks each of 39 litres capacity. Grating prevents ingress of large swarf 2 Filter Wire gauze filter attached to pump inlet 3 Pump / Motor Graham Precision pump, CPP 76. 3 phase AC motor, 2900 rpm, 1.1kw. Pump single stage peripheral impeller type. Maximum flow rate 11.6 lit/min. 4 Pressure relief valve Mechanical operated set at 4.8*10^5 N/m^2 5 Manual shut-off tap Manual tap 6 Flow control valves Solenoid operated Reason for analysing coolant pump signals: A large amount of data obtained from the Wadkin machine tool has already been grouped and processed into various charts and histograms for the ease of the analysis in previous research. The aim was to facilitate the research into machine tool condition monitoring system. Among the 160 recorded failures between a certain period of time, 84% fall within 18 pre-classified machine locations. Among these recorded failures coolant system being one of the 18 locations, ranks no. 3 in the failure frequency by machine location histogram [10]. Therefore applying modern signal processing techniques to these particular signals was considered to be a good approach to identify any faults within the component. Device(s) for acquiring signals: The raw data extracted from the coolant system were the pressure and flow signals. These signals were acquired by using flow and pressure transducers connected to the system and a data acquisition system was used to store these signals in a database for further analysis. The Kobold flow meters and switches types VKM have a spring-loaded float, which slides within a cylindrical measuring tube and has an integral orifice. This type of flow meter is a low cost flow meter and switch, which fully compensates for viscosity and to large extent for density even with very low flows. Wadkin V4/6 Spindle system: He hardened steel spindle is supported in the head casting by two pairs of pre-loaded angular contact bearings. The spindle is driven by a D.C. electric motor via fixed pulleys and a wide poly-vee belt, and has a speed range of 40-5000 rev / min. Figure 3 shows the schematic diagram of the spindle drive system. The analyses and modelling of this is very similar to the feed drive mechanism, however it does not include any linear movement and is subjected to a distributing torque proportional to cutting force components. [12] The spindle, which is fastened into the head of the machine tool, is shown in figure 9.1. It has two bearings at both the top and bottom of the shaft, together with seals to retain the grease either side of each set of bearings. On the top of the spindle is a pulley, which is driven via poly-vee belt ad a pulley attached to the spindle motor, which is shown in figure 9.2. To measure the speed of the spindle and its orientation at low speeds, an incremental encoder is positioned towards the side of the spindle. This is driven from a pulley fixed to the spindle, toothed belt and a pulley attached to the encoder as shown in figure 9.3. In figure 9.4 and exploded view of the drawbar, which is fitted into the spindle, is shown. It uses a stack of Billeville washers, which are used to draw a tool into the spindles taper. Reason for analysing spindle vibration signals: The bearings in the spindle system can fail fue to overload, misalignment, insufficient lubrication and assembly defects. Condition monitoring of these bearing is therefore very critical to the machining process. Spindle systems component specification: Device(s) for acquiring signals: The vibrations from main spindle bearings were measured by using two accelerometers mounted on the head of the machine tool as shown in figure 4. Two ENDEVCO model 5216-100 series piezoelectric accelerometers were used, which are designed specifically for vibration measurement in rugged environments of industrial machinery. These type of accelerometers have very wide dynamic range and an extremely low noise floor. [12] Data Acquisition System (DAS): A flexible and generically applicable data acquisition system has been developed at Cardiff University for the machine tool condition monitoring. This system can be viewed as a data logger associated to one or more sensors. Its flexibility allows the addition of any data logging software, hardware or sensor(s) to be linked for the analysis of different machine components when required. The DAS is controlled by a relational database management system (DBMS). The DMBS provides a user interface to specify the details of the condition monitoring tests to be performed [13]. 2.2 Water treatment plant (WRAP rig): 2.2.1 Background: The WRAP (Water and Resources Action Program) rig is a test rig set-up at Cardiff University used for research purposes. It is housed in a small container for it to be transported easily to plants or sites for demonstration purposes. The rig is designed to allow a direct performance comparison between two different types of filtration media. This rig was specifically used to demonstrate the performance of Recycled Glass Media (RGM) compared to the conventional filtration media such as sand. In previous research this rig has been used to process wash down water from a dairy production line while its sister rigs were used for different applications such as the removal of bio fouling and other wastes. The figure below shows the WRAP rig along with the individual constituents that make up the rig. Functionality of the rig: This explanation of the rig is based on the detailed piping and instrumentation diagram of the rig shown in figure x. The rig consists of four 6-staged impeller centrifugal pumps P1, P2, P3 and P4 as indicated in the diagram with P1 being disconnected as there was no external open reservoir in operation. Pumps P2 and P3 transfer unprocessed liquor to filters F1 and F2 from tank T1. This relationship / process can be altered using valves V8, V9 and V10 for operational flexibility if required. The two pneumatically actuated diaphragm valves V5A and V5B, which are controlled by the programmable logic controller (PLC) enables the flow to be selected from either the unprocessed effluent stream entering F1 or F2. The PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) loop also maintains the flow rate into each filter at a pre-programmed set point. The flow transmitters FT1 and FT2 were controlled to provide a 0-10V output to the invertors, which controlled pumps P2 and P3. This was achieved via the PID loop algorithm in the PLC. The analysis of this report only studies a small part of the WRAP rig, which is shown in figure x below. Two Cylon UC32.24 PLCs networked using a proprietary serial protocol controlled the system. These in turn were networked to a communications module, which contained a GSM modem and features two RS232 ports for connection to external devices. Chemwatch, Cylons proprietary SCADA system was used for three original operation of the rig. The system was configured to display two process mimic screens that showed real time values of the various sensor readings. A number of alarm and control screens were also present allowing a privileged operator to alter alarm thresholds, control parameters and manually override system components such as pumps. WRAP rig system components: Pump P3: Data acquisition system (KTP) Ball valves Flow transmitters

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Birth of a Nation Essay -- essays research papers

On March 3, 1915 the movie The Birth of a Nation was released at the Liberty Theatre in New York City. This film was financed, filmed, and released by the Epoch Producing Corporation of D.W. Griffith and Harry T. Aitken. It was one of the first films to ever use deep-focus shots, night photography, and to be explicitly controversial with the derogatory view of blacks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the movie, the film justified the need of the KKK in order to keep social harmony among society after the Civil War. In the beginning, the Cameron family was depicted as loving family and the slaves were depicted as sensible and content beings during the slave period. The chaos and madness started after the civil war during the Reconstruction period. Blacks were then portrayed as animalistic savages that were oppressing the rights of the white people in the community and threatened their livelihood. So, African Americans could only be placed into two categories in this movie. They were either the faithful servant or the renegade whose objective was to intimidate and terrorize white people. The black slaves are shown as noble beings that defended their masters against other black people. However, the black people in congress are shown as arrogant and ignorant with no manners. This sort of subtly suggest that blacks proper role is to tend to the land and that they lack the sense and morals to be given them the same equality as a white person. If blacks were on the same le...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Stereotypical Old-West Hero :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Stereotypical Old-West Hero Gunsmoke was the longest running radio show ever made. It is based on the historical city of Dodge. The series is centered around the character of Matt Dillon, who is the U.S. Marshall at Dodge. Each episode is one of his adventures, usually with his fellow helper, Chester, in keeping the peace and bringing justice in the area. Dillon's independence, sense of justice, and keen problem solving ever epitomize the stereotypical old-west hero. No matter what situation arises in Dodge, or the surrounding area, Matt Dillon is able to resolve it most often without the help of anyone else except for his faithful follower Chester. Whenever Dillon hears of a problem, he immediately goes to see what the trouble is with Chester. He doesn't listen to anyone and only brings more people if it would go better with his plan. In the episode, "Tecetta", Dillon boldly asks three gunmen to give up their guns at a bar and then tells them to leave the next morning. He says it in such a way that is unquestionable and demanding of respect. And people listen! In the episode, "The Buffalo Hunter", when Dillon and Chester go searching for the villain, Gatloff, they run into one of his skinners whose been shot. Always the independent spirit, Dillon commands Chester to stay with the man saying, "I'll ride on by myself". Dillon's sense of justice is extremely refined. He always has a keen view on how to solve the problem at hand, and usually it is something that nobody else has thought of. Dillon makes claims such as, "I don't think someone would accidentally pour 50-60 lbs. of lead in their own face", to which Chester then replies, "Oh Mr. Dillon, I hadn't thought of that". When one of the new bar girls, Tacetta, is kidnapped by Dorgan, Dillon has a plan ready. He decides to take a group of 12 men rather than just himself and Chester so that they will intimidate Dorgan, who has been judged by Dillon as having a weaker character. Dillon also knows how to decide when to go after someone and when not to. In "The Buffalo Hunter" Dillon know that Gatloff killed his own worker, but, since he doesn't have proof, he waits until Gatloff does something else that will incriminate him. Similarly, when Dorgan is killed by Horn and Watson in "Tecetta", Dillon waits until Watson causes trouble as a drunkard to get the truth out of him.