Thursday, December 26, 2019

fashion globalization - 2363 Words

Tushita Hariharan The Globalization of Fashion: Research Proposal Student ID: 406468 Course: Politics Society Tutor: Magdalina Bigos Date: March 18th 2014 The Globalization of Fashion: Research Proposal Globalization in contemporary society The topic of globalization continues to be a crucial concept in contemporary social science. Contemporary globalization can be divided into three aspects: political, economic and cultural. The political aspect can be explained by a shift of power from the local nation-state into a broader international realm, making it more difficult for policy makers in the nation-state to influence the on-goings in their jurisdiction. Economic globalization is closely tied to political†¦show more content†¦Through both cognitive and aesthetic signs, Lash Urry explain the development of a new ‘reflexive subjectivity’. This in cognitive terms involves the construction of the self in the reflection of information given by experts. In aesthetic terms, it involves the perception and formation of oneself through the consumptions of goods, ideas and images (Lash and Urry, 1994:4). That is, in respect to the cognitive terms, one is told through advertisements, magazines and popular c ulture (the experts), that this is what should be consumed. Based on this, in respect to the aesthetic terms, one builds his/her identity through the consumption of goods, carefully picking and choosing which brand to represent and which message to portray about oneself through consumption. The individual, according to Lash and Urry is thus forced to make choices concerning his or her self-identity through consumption of goods, and consequently consumerism becomes increasingly integrated into self-expression and culture. As time-space compression intensifies, the experts (advertisements, magazines, fashion shows) are able to send a message across borders as to what should be consumed in fashion based on the latest trends. The individual then is able to go to the local mall and buy these latest fashion trends in the name of cultural production and identity formation, further reiterating that culture intertwines withShow MoreRelatedGlobalization In The Fashion Industry Essay1558 Words   |  7 Pagesgaps in the connection between consumers and producers. The globalization of the fashion industry is mainly driven by international retailers (Gereffi, Humphrey Sturgeon, 2005: 79) and extends to every part of the world, leaving the Global South to suffer for the needs of th e people of the North. These companies ignite globalization and majorly contribute to the increase in manufacturing jobs from the West. As pioneers of fast fashion, many major companies have a variety of ways in which they sourceRead MoreGlobal Chic : The Globalization Of Fashion3361 Words   |  14 PagesAna Pascual-Leone Capstone Draft November 5, 2014 Global Chic: The Globalization of Fashion Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the effects of globalization, examined through the framework of hybridity/glocalization, on the fashion industry by examining the shift in the nature of ethnic, cultural and national references in high-end designer collections, and the growth of fast-fashion houses’ global success. High-end designers have been using cultural references as their inspiration forRead MoreThe Impact of Globalization on Food, Fashion, Film, and Music 900 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The World Bank defines globalization as the growing integration of economies and societies around the world† (, 2006) For me the impact of globalization when it comes to food fashion, film music and dance is when like minded groups come together from all different political dynamics that create virtual communities across the world. Globalization and food can be looked at in various angles. Globalization with how we purchase food to how food safety and consumption is important. AmericansRead MoreThe Effect of Globalization on Fashion with Special Reference to the Impact of Japanese Designs on the European Scene1527 Words   |  7 Pageseffect of ‘Globalization’ on fashion with special reference to the impact of Japanese designs on the European scene. The definition of globalisation is quite complex and extremely controversial. However globalization with reference to the fashion industry helps defines the development of what has been termed as „world fashion‟. Preferred garments of young people is quite often the same. A phenomenon made possible by the exploitative mechanisms of globalization. The globalization of clothingRead MoreGlobalization in the Fashion Industry657 Words   |  3 PagesThere should be little doubt that the phenomenon of globalization is expanding the global community. I have had certain experiences in my own life that readily attest to this fact. I have worked within the field of fashion design for quite some time, and the processes and changes that have taken place within this industry as a direct result of globalization are considerable. When I initially began working in the fashion realm, Italy was the primary source of clothing, as well as the most lucrativeRead MoreFast Fashion, And The Corporate Globalization Essay927 Words   |  4 PagesGlobalization is changing the way we look at the world, and our connections to one another; we have become global citizens but in the process created divisions in the race of humanity. Fast fashion, and the corporate globalization; are aiding in causing the biggest divisions between people. With the growing demand of cheap and affordable fashion is constantly on the climbing causing producers to find more cost efficient, and faster ways to produce their clothing. Developed countries are don’t seemRead MoreWhat Can Raise Awareness Of Sustainable Consumption Of Textiles For College Students1637 Words   |  7 PagesSustainable fashion, also known as eco fashion, is the use of resources to construct fashion that is environmentally friendly. Sustainability in fashion is important because the goal is to preserve the environment and help improve instead of taking away from it with harsh resources. The purpose of the study was to examine the knowledge students have on sustainable fashions, in addition, examining how the awareness amongst peers and how the globalization of the awareness can change the fashion industryRead MoreWhy Does Fashion Change Essay751 Words   |  4 PagesWhy does fashion change? Human beings have been using clothes throughout history; however as we notice today garments that were worn in the past are not the same that are being worn today. In this essay I will develop the question ‘Why does fashion change?’ and if such changes are due to fashion as such or if there is any external influences such as marketing and media. Every change in society, including differences between cultures and living styles is reflected in the way people dress andRead MoreClothing Is Essential For All Members Of The Uk761 Words   |  4 PagesClothing is essential for all members of the UK population, which creates a constant demand for clothing to be retailed in the UK. London is a leading fashion industries in the world, which makes fashion and clothing a key trend for English consumers with the UK being a fashion capital, London, tourists from all over the world visit the UK specifically for its clothing retailers; which has allowed the market to continuously do well. Consumers in Britain require different types of garments for variousRead MoreHM Pricing and Retail Strategy1217 Words   |  5 PagesPricing and Retail Strategy of HM Hennes Mauritz (HM) is a Swedish clothing retail company. The company was founded by Erling Pesson in 1947. The first HM store was opened in Vaesteras, Sweden in 1947. The mission of HM is to offer fashion and quality at the best price where â€Å"quality includes ensuring that products are manufactured in a way that is environmentally and socially sustainable† (HM, vision policy, n.d., para. 1). This essay is to highlight the current market analysis, pricing

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Government Of Canada On Indian Policy - 1642 Words

With the proposal of the ‘Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy’ (hereafter referred to as the White Paper) in 1969 by Jean Chretien, existing tensions over the role and future of First Nations within Canadian society would finally come to a head. Prior to the introduction of this policy, government bureaucrats and missionary organizations had finally begun to realize that directed change and economic development were not taking place amongst First Nations communities as they had wanted, and decided in the favor of a change. This change in policy brought about the White Paper, which was a cleverly veiled assimilationist proposal of the Canadian government to the First Nations peoples of their country. This shift in policy†¦show more content†¦Services were also addressed extensively by the White Paper, and rather than being provided by the federal government, the provincial government would now be the sphere where social remedies were structure d and applied for First Nations groups. The provincial and municipal governments would also increasingly be responsible to provide ‘enriched services’ which would close the economic gap between Euro-Canadian and First Nations societies. In regards to the numbered treaties, it was claimed lawful obligations must be recognized, and the disparity between relevant and irrelevant provisions would inform a re-negotiation of the treaties with the ultimate goal of having the treaties phased out until they can equitably be ended. Finally, the White Paper argued that the control of Indian lands should be transferred to the Indian people, and it was proposed that reserve lands would no longer be held in trust by the Canadian government, but rather would held in full ownership by its own inhabitants as they saw fit to divide. Despite its positive language and (seemingly) good intent to help First Nations peoples, the White Paper possessed a clear disparity between what was stat ed and what was actually intended by the government. Essentially the Canadian government claimed to be attempting to provide equality, but this attempt really only served to disguise the underlying attempt at the assimilation of the First Nations population into Euro-Canadian society. ThisShow MoreRelatedMany Court Cases Within Canada Regarding Indigenous People1265 Words   |  6 Pagescourt cases within Canada regarding Indigenous people have been discriminatory. The Daniels v. Canada (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) case was legally and culturally inappropriate in many ways due to the lack of care for the evidence put forth by Daniels and obvious discrimination. Thankfully, once the case reached the Supreme Court of Canada, the previous trials and decisions were put to rest and a proper and legally sound decision was made. The Daniels v. Canada (Indian Affairs and NorthernRead MoreThe Colonization Of Canada First Nations1540 Words   |  7 PagesSince the colonization of Canada First Nations people have been discriminated against and assimilated into the new culture of Canada through policies created by the government. Policies created had the intentions of improving the Aboriginal people’s standard of living and increasing their opportunities. Mainly in the past hundred years in Canadian Society, policies and government implemented actions such as; Residential schools, the Indian Act, and reserve systems have resulted in extinguishing nativeRead MoreThe Government s Efforts For The Indigenous Peoples Of Canada1591 Words   |  7 Pagesaim of Canadian government policy has been to assimilate the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. The attempted forced abandonment of their culture was perpetrated through a variety of strategies including force, aggression and legalities. While historians and politicians may disagree about the motivations of Canadian policy, the impact has been irrefutable. In efforts to create one unified nation, successive gove rnments failed to recognize their destructive actions. In this failure, Canada has come closeRead MoreAn Outline History Of Canada s Indian Policy1663 Words   |  7 Pagesnon-indigenous population by the government of Canada. The main purpose of such a congress is debated till date. In this regard, I will be focusing on two papers that provide a detailed analysis of the government’s initiatives and they are: 1. Persistence of paradigm paralysis: the First Nations Governance Act as the continuation of colonial policy by Kiera Ladner and Michael Orsini, 2003. 2. Protection, civilization, assimilation: An outline history of Canada’s Indian policy by John L. Tobias, 1991. BothRead MoreAssimilation And Its Effects On African Americans1670 Words   |  7 Pagesdominant belief at the time. Paul Le Jeune begins with a statement – â€Å"the great show of power made at first by the Portuguese in the East and West Indies inspired profound admiration in the minds of the Indians†. Le Jeune’s intent is to impose the same assertion upon the Aboriginals in Lower Canada. Through the course of time spent with the Hurons he learnt their language, he created a relationship with the Hurons and securing their trust by joining them on their seasonal hunter-gatherer practiceRead MoreCanadian Leader: Pierre Elliot Trudeau Essay1669 Words   |  7 PagesPierre Elliot Trudeau was arguably one of the most vivacious and charismatic Prime Ministers Canada has ever seen. He wore capes, dated celebrities and always wore a red rose boutonniere. He looked like a superhero, and often acted like one too. Some of the landmark occurrences in Canadian history al l happened during the Trudeau era, such as patriating the constitution, creating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the 1980 Quebec Referendum. However, it is Trudeau’s 1969 â€Å"white paper†Read MoreThe Sad State Of Affairs1307 Words   |  6 PagesHistorical Perspective The sad state of affairs faced by Indigenous people in Canada today is not, as many would have us believe, a simple accident of fate. Since the beginning of our colonialist past, the Canadian federal government has been creating and implementing both legislature and policies in attempt to destroy First Nations culture, history, and life in this country (King, 2012). One of the first recorded policies laid down by Canada’s earliest parliamentary bodies was the Constitution ActRead MoreThe Indian Act Of 18691646 Words   |  7 PagesCardinal, the Indian Act has subjugated to colonial rule the very people whose rights it was supposed to protect (Dickason and Newbigging 293). Until the 16th century, Aboriginal people were the only inhabitants of Canada, they were an independent and self-governing people till the European invasion (Elias 1). The European Invasion brought about The 1876 Indian Act, which was developed over time through separate pieces of colonial legislation regarding Aboriginal peoples across Canada such as theRead MoreEurocentric Knowledge And Indian Knowledge1038 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferences between Eurocentric knowledge and Indian knowledge in a new epistemological framework. For instance, Indian knowledge cannot be analyzed through Eurocentric methods, such as the â€Å"literature review†, since many of the Indian traditions focus on the oral transmission of knowledge. In this manner, the Indian paradigm of knowledge is not record through written text, which is a primarily Eurocentric mode of knowledge processing. Therefore, Indians experience knowledge through their own oralRead MoreThe Canadian Government Enacted An Indian Act1468 Words   |  6 PagesCanadian government enacted an Indian Act in 1876 which outlines their approach towards the elimination of the Aboriginal government, land, religion, and so on. This policy’s central goal was to assimilate the entire aboriginal population into Canadian civilizati on. The act described how to categorize one as an Indian, how one could lose their Indian status, the abolition of Native traditions and practices, and much more. Through residential schooling, which was administered through the Indian Act, the

Monday, December 9, 2019

Green Ox Case Analysis Marketing free essay sample

To decide target segments, positioning strategy, pricing and number of flavors for launch of Green Ox Customers Customers includes majorly sports drink consumer and antioxidants pill consumers. Beside that there is a little market among V7 consumers too. CompetitorsEstablished sport drinks (Croc-Ade, Sport-Ade, PowerBoost), Vegetable juices(V7) and antioxidants. These are well established players of the market and small players face difficulty to survive. Company Strength| Opportunities | Successful in dissolving antioxidants into energy drinks; Multipurpose sport drink with aided benefits of antioxidants; some studies reported health benefits of the drink. | Sports drink growing at 15% per year; fastest growing category among beverages; high income group, females are more favorable to GreenOx thus potential market exists, Sport drinks are considered as image building of the store| Club stores ignore new product; high retail margins; limitations on flavors produced| Established Competitors; natural antioxidants present in competitor’s product| Weakness| Threat| SegmentationBased on usage: Sports drink consumer, antioxidants consumer, vegetable juices consumerBased on Income: High Income, Medium Income, Low IncomeBased on age : lt;25, 25 – 40, gt;40Based on Gender: Male, femaleTargeting As a large proportion of athletes is consisted of women and they are the primarily household shoppers, and more favorable to Green Ox, it is better to target them. We will write a custom essay sample on Green Ox Case Analysis Marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There is a considerable demand for Green Ox among sport drinkers and antioxidants consumers, It is better to target these two sectors. As high income groups are more favourable to Green Ox, it is better to target medium and high income groups. PositioningPosition the product as a lifestyle and sports drink with various health benefits for athletically active men and women. | ProductSports and energy drink with beneficial antioxidants in flavors of Yellowknife, Jasper Mountain and Whistler.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Suicide Essays (2079 words) - Suicide, Depression, Suicide In Iran

Suicide Suicide can best be described as the destructive act of voluntarily taking ones own life. Suicide often presents a real and often tragic puzzle to be solved by friends and family, and any other professionals who have been involved with someone who has committed suicide. To be able to definitively answer the question as to why an individual would commit such a deadly act seems to be a highly complex task. The victim himself or herself, is perhaps the least aware of the answer to this ninth leading cause of death. Scientists have discovered that the cause of this fatal behavior can be found both within and without the individual. Whether biological, sociological or psychological the question remains as to which one will provide explanations to suicidal behavior. Or perhaps, could the answer be that all these factors are somehow interrelated. Whatever the case may be the statistics are frighteningly real. There is more suicide deaths than homicides in the United States every year. Unbelievably so, suicide is in fact the ninth leading cause of death in the United Stated. For the young, consisting up to the age of fifteen, it is the third cause of death in the United States. Rounded to the nearest second, on average, every seventeen seconds one person will complete this self-destructive act resulting in death. Men account for eighty percent of all suicides in the United States and are more likely than women to be successful at killing themselves. There are, rounded to the nearest person, one female suicide completion to every four male suicide completions. Suicides committed using firearms make up over sixty percent of the population that has committed suicide. Of this sixty- percent of firearm suicide, white men make up eighty percent of this statistic. Every year there are seven hundred seventy-five thousand suicide attempts in the United States. It is estimated that five million Amer icans have attempted suicide. For every male suicide attempt there are three female attempts. The majority of overdose attempts is unsuccessful and account for seventy percent of suicide attempts (SFSP: U.S. Suicide Statistics, 1996). It is estimated that for every suicide there is six survivors close to the victims that are affected. The statistics are stunning. How can we understand better why individuals would take their own life (McIntosh, 1997) The conclusion that suicide is closely related to psychiatric illness is what researchers have come up with. The three diagnoses with the highest risk are depression, alcoholism and schizophrenia. Seventy percent of suicides would have been diagnosed with major depression. Fifteen percent would have been diagnosed with alcoholism and four percent from schizophrenia. Researchers have used two methods to come up with these findings. The first one, the researchers find out what proportion of people who have committed suicide have been diagnosed with a psychiatric illness in their past. The second method of research involves what is called psychological autopsy. Psychological autopsy involves carefully questioning the family members and friends of the suicide victim. These questions are in reference to the individual state of mind, mood and behavior of the deceased individual preceding his or her death. The conclusion that the majority of suicides were the result of psychiatric illness b efore death has been strongly supported by these two research techniques (Williams, 1997). Major depression carries a fifteen- percent lifetime risk associated with suicide. Depression is a state of mind that results in feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, alienation, and uncontrollable urges to shed an unwanted self. Often, depression includes a variety of physical complaints that cannot be diagnosed as a physical illness. It is normal for any individual to feel depression at one time or another. In addition, there are many factors associated with depression. Any individual dealing with overwhelming amounts of stress can experience depression. However, it is when a person stays depressed for extended periods of time, that the likelihood of having suicidal urges increases (Williams, 1997). Similar to that of depressed individuals, Alcoholics also carry a fifteen- percent lifetime risk of suicide. Alcohol dependence can be expressed in one of three ways. By consuming alcohol excessively on a daily basis. Second, by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol on a regular weekend basis. Third, by excessively consuming alcohol on binges

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How Military Innovations in the Civil War Helped the North essays

How Military Innovations in the Civil War Helped the North essays Military innovations created during the American Civil War have played a vital role in the efficiency and victory of the Union armies. Military innovations during the Civil War came in more than one form. New strategies, weapons, and tactics all contributed to the ultimate victory of the North over the South. Considered by some to be a whole new concept of warfare, the Civil War is seen as the origins of modern warfare. Accurate long-range guns combined with heavy artillery and the first appearance of modern reconnaissance, created a deadly and efficient army that the South had never anticipated. The South soon realized they would have more trouble defeating the Union armies than was at first expected. The Civil War was a revolution in and of itself for as we know today modern warfare was created during that war. Strategies and tactics had to change in order to compensate for the revolution in guns and artillery. With the creation of sleeker bullets and winding gun barrels to spin bullets came a revolution in tactics. However because of the Generals in the war and their conservative nature, the revolution in tactics came only after trial and error, costing vast amounts of casualties to both sides. The traditional tactics of the Revolutionary War still carried over to the start of the Civil War. However the accurate and deadly rifles soon made the traditional idea of standing 15 feet in front of the opposing army and firing, obsolete. The Civil War soon became a defensive war because offense caused too many casualties. Perhaps the biggest change during the Civil War was the guns and bullets created and used during the war. The most popular weapon of the North was the Springfield musket (Sumrall 1). This weapon employed all the new technologies needed for infantry (Sumrall 1). It was still hand loaded and fired only one shot at a time, however it fired the revolutionary bullet of the time called the minie ball (Sumr...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Shareable Content 15 Ways to Create It That Will Explode Your Traffic

Shareable Content 15 Ways to Create It That Will Explode Your Traffic You see a piece of content and less than a day later it’s all over the web. It looks like its creators didn’t even try, and suddenly  as if by magic, thousands of people are sharing it. Then there’s your content. You’re sending it out everyone on social media and via email. Yet, you’re not gaining the traction that you want. There is a way to fix that. At least 15 of them, in fact, which were about to run through. In this blog post you’re going to learn: What  makes viral content so shareable? How can you replicate those shareable traits with your own content? What highly shared content really looks like. What are you waiting for? Check out our top tips for creating shareable content and  find success for yourself. 15 Ways To Create Shareable Content That Will Explode Your TrafficDownload Your Shareable Content Tips Infographic As a bonus, weve included this fact-packed infographic with interesting stats on shareable content. Download it and keep it on hand for any time you need a reminder about what makes shareable content so important. 1.  Do Competitive Research One of the easiest ways to create content people want to pass around is to look at what's worked for others. So, creep on your competitors! Looking at what your competitors are doing and what their audience is reacting to is a great way to find insights on the content your audience wants to see. Here’s a list of what you need to do to be a successful competitor-tracking Sherlock Holmes: Make a list of your top five competitors and the social media channels you both are on. Where are you competitors at online? If you’re on the same channels that means that you’re directly competing with them for traffic. Take a look at the last six months of content that they have published.  This will involve a lot of scrolling and note taking. Are they publishing blogs, videos, or some other type of content? What types of content are you publishing that are similar to theirs? Note content that has gotten high engagement on each channel. If videos are going over well for your competitor on Facebook take note of that. Then look at specifics, what are they doing in those videos that is causing a reaction from their audience? Use their high engagement content to inspire your own content.  By seeing what your intended audience is already reacting too you can take those conceptions and make them your own. Take what your competitors are writing about and make it 10x better. Make your audience see that you are the best option. Create content that shows your audience you're the best option.2. Tell A Story With Your Content Next, let's cover how to craft strong storytelling content. Why is storytelling an important part of creating shareable content? Because it allows your audience to see themselves in a given situation, making it more relatable to their day-to-day experience. So how can you make your content tell a story for your audience? Craft your content so it has a clear beginning, middle, and end. At the end of it you should be able to answer the question, â€Å"Did my content relate to my audience and get them from point A to point B clearly?† So let’s map that out. or each piece of content that you create, write down the following: The problem that your audience is experiencing. The solution that your product or company can provide. How are you going to tell a story that will take your audience from Point A to Point B? Think about the steps it takes for a consumer to start with a problem and arrive at a solution: How can you create storytelling content for social media? Take a look at this post from State Farm Insurance: Some surprises are bigger than others. No matter what, were here to help. Posted by State Farm on Monday, June 13, 2016 The video does a few things. First, it introduces a pair of common problems; one is that is a bit light-hearted and one more serious. Both of these problems or experiences people can relate to. The video continues and leads viewers from Point A (being able to buy products you love and possibly having them stolen) to Point B (learning that State Farm can protect you should the worst happen to your new purchase). The video resolves by showing the audience that no matter the situation, State Farm will be there in the good times to reward them and in the bad times to help them. The copy is short but the video still tells a story with a bit of humor.  And since it's on social media, it's naturally convenient to share. Recommended Reading: How to Write a Video Script That Will Make $100,000,000 (Free Kit) 3. Validate Your Audience’s Opinions Another way to create shareable content is to validate your audience’s opinions. Content that reinforces the opinions your audience holds is easy to share because they now have proof from a reliable source (you!) that their opinions are correct. So how do you create that content? You need to think back to your audience. What do they like and believe in? For example, if I was targeting marketers, I  could talk about topics I know the marketing community has polarizing opinions around. That might include something like hashtag usage on Facebook (don't do it) or using automated direct messages on Twitter (again, that's another one in the "don't" column). I know that people in my target audience care about these topics because they’re relevant to their jobs. There’s also the fact that people will have an opinion on whether or not my observations are correct. So how can you find that information? Think about your demographic, what are they interested in? What do people in your industry care about? What do they have differentiating opinions on? What are some of the opinions that you have already posted about? What did your audience have a positive reaction towards? If they feel a certain way about something, you can probably guess they have a certain belief. So what does this type of content look like in action? Take a look at this Facebook post from Girl Develop It: .TechRepublic names their top 10 cities for #womenintech in the US. Nearly all of them have a local GDI chapter! Posted by Girl Develop It onTuesday, March 28, 2017 While Girl Develop It didn’t write the article that they shared (and that’s okay) this article would still appeal to the beliefs of their audience. Why? Because they are an organization focused on getting women involved in tech by teaching them how to code. So it would make sense that their audience would be excited about cities that higher a lot of women in the tech field. Encourage social shares by reaffirming your audience's beliefs, values, goals, and opinions.3. How Can You Use Controversy In Your Content? Why would you want to cause controversy with your content? That seems like the exact opposite of what you would want to do. Wouldn’t you rather have people agree with you? Not necessarily. You can actually cause your audience to become more certain in their opinions because they want to prove that they’re right. So how can you create the content that will play devil’s advocate to your audience’s opinions? Your exercise this time will be the reverse of the previous one. If your audience aligns their values on one side of an argument, how could you reintroduce the other side to encourage shares? So what does this content look like? Let’s go back to the marketer targeting example from earlier. Check out this tweet from Luis Costa: Will Writing That E-Book Really Boost Your Business? Luà ­s Costa (@luiscostainfo) July 6, 2017 Often times people hear â€Å"publish your content, establish yourself as an expert in the field.† One of the ways that marketers can do that is by publishing an e-book. It makes sense right? They’re easy to self-publish and you have a wealth of information to share. But what if that ebook isn’t necessarily your best option? That’s exactly what this article does. It takes a commonly held assumption, flips it on its head and plays devil’s advocate. Doing this causes one of two things to happen. Either: You’ll click the post because you want to see what this person is talking about. You know you’re right and you want to see where the author came to that conclusion so you can argue and reinforce your own ideas. Drive social shares by contradicting a widely held opinion.4. Create Incentives For Sharing Your Content Everybody likes free stuff right? Whether it’s a T-shirt or a strategy template, free stuff often equals content shares. People like getting a reward for the time it takes to do, well, anything, too. So, how does this relate to content? You can help increase your shares by incentivizing your audience to take action. So how can you find out what your audience likes? You guessed it, more exercises yay! Take a look at past giveaways, free downloads, and other incentives you’ve offered your audience. Did you incentivize anything there? If so, what did your audience respond well to? So what does incentivizing your content look like? Take a look at this tweet from Passion Planner: You can win this beautiful wall tapestry Undated Passion Planner by following 2 easy steps:😄1. Follow @passion_planner 2. RT this post Passion Planner (@passion_planner) May 24, 2017 They encourage shares because it’s what will enter them to win a fun prize package. And entering to win is simple, all they have to do is click a button. So how can you do this for your own content? Decide what your giveaway or incentive for people to share your content will be. Set a date and time that their shares need to be done by. Remember to add CST, PST, especially if your fan base spans across the country. For Twitter, it’s relatively easy to track shares because all you have to do is count retweets. Facebook is a little more difficult to track shares because you won’t be able to see the actual shared post unless their post settings are set to public. Once your deadline has passed,  review your content shares and select a winner. Send out posts letting your fans know that a winner has been selected and tag them so they can claim their prize. For more information, this detailed guide on running social media contests  from Hubspot is a great resource. Shareable #content #tip: Give people an incentive to share your stuff.5. Appeal To Your Audience’s Values Another way to connect your audience to your content and encourage them to share it is to create content that revolves around their values. Your audience wants to know that the values of your company or product align with theirs. Connecting their values to your content is one way to show that you care. Okay, so that’s great advice but how do you implement it? We’re going back into your audience research. You know what your audience believes and some of the basic demographics of your target audience. You may have to generalize a bit, but what would your target demographic care about? For example, if you’re targeting new moms, maybe your content connects to a fundraiser for the March of Dimes. Or, maybe your audience cares about products that are made in the USA so you run a blog post on how the new line of products coming into your store Or, maybe your audience cares about products that are made in the USA, so you run a blog post on how the newest line of products coming into your store is made in the USA only. One way to figure out the values of your audience is to look to your past content. What values have you talked about before that your audience has made a connection with? Now, what does that content look like in action? Take the ASPCA for example. Everyone likes cute puppies and kitties, they tug at your heartstrings and make you feel. Here is a cute fluffy puppy to prove my point: The ASPCA does a great job creating content that encourages people to share content because who doesn’t want to see a tiny kitten get adopted? Meet our Pet of the Week, Bellona! Shes sweet, curious and attentive, help us find her a home please RT! ASPCA (@ASPCA) June 20, 2017 It’s simple values and content that make it easy for your audience to want to share it.  The easiest way to do this is to create posts that state the values of your company. You could format them like: You care about [Value]. At [Brand name] we do to! At [Insert Brand Name] we’re constantly looking forward which is why we believe in [Value]. Our customers believe in [Value], [Value] and [Value]. At [Brand Name] we do too. Recommended Reading: How to Write for Social Media to Create the Best Posts 6. Make Your Content Useful In order to encourage shares, your content needs to be useful to your audience. This is so important that the New York Times did a study  and found that 90% of users will assess the usefulness of the content before sharing it. So how do you ensure the content you’re creating is useful to your audience? First, think about the question or problem that your content is addressing. What are you trying to help your audience solve? Then your content needs to provide step by step information on how to solve the problem or answer the question. These steps can include your product or exclude it, depending on what you’re looking to do. Your final step will include some sort of CTA. This could be as simple as a click-to-tweet button or an encouragement to share this post with someone else who would gain more by seeing the information you provide. So what does that content look like in real life? Content that is useful to our audience is something that we strive to create at every day. We want our content to be actionable and help our readers, help themselves: Our blog posts tell our reader exactly what they’re going to learn when they take the time to read our content, letting them decide if it’s useful to them or not. Our social posts will also carry out the same tone that our audience is going to be getting useful information out of our blog posts that they could then share with their colleagues: With a solid strategy in place, you can (as we say at ), plan your work, and then work your plan with this guide: Posted by onWednesday, July 5, 2017 7. Keep Your Content Simple Another tip for creating shareable content is to keep it simple. Your audience should be able to get the entire idea out of an article without having to read the whole thing. More often than not your audience is in a hurry and you need to be able to capture their attention in a short amount of time. In fact, Hubspot published  a whole infographic on how our attention span today is shorter than a goldfish- it’s 8.5 seconds long. TL;DR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) is a real thing. So, how do you create simple content that gets the entirely of your point across fast? First, you need a solid introduction. At we aim to have our blog introductions to be about a 100 words or so and follow the format of: Introduction to problem audience is experiencing. Show that there is a better process that they could use to the fix problem. Create a bulleted list of three points that summarize what they are going to gain or learn from reading the blog post. It’s those three main bullet points are key to use creating a successful introduction because our audience can skim down and know if they article contains the right information that they are looking for. You can also simplify your content by breaking up it up into short skim-worthy lists by: Sticking to two to three sentences per paragraph. Using multiple headers. Breaking up text or translating it to images or infographics. 8. Establish Trust And Credibility With Your Content Your content will pick up more shares when you can establish trust and credibility. Random websites that claim the world is going to end tomorrow probably aren’t going to pick up a lot of traffic because there is no trust there. However, content that is thoroughly back by other credible sources suddenly seems more trustworthy. So how can you create a credible piece of content?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Music - Rock and Roll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Music - Rock and Roll - Essay Example This principle helps them to look and differentiate between ordinary and underground music. Modern Garage movement tries to show people how they are engrossed in their own doings and how individuals can reform themselves within the normal capitalist. The movement tries to prevent the idea of capitalist manipulation over individuals. This idea was mostly practiced by the traditional and underground music (Abbey, 2006, Pg 50). Garage movement has addressed the importance of people practicing uniqueness and avoiding indulges in normal actions. The movement has come up with a way to teach individuals on ways to become engrossed in the normal actions of the society. This is because of how the group has provided a longing of music for times and periods. The engrossment to mainstream society activities has given people an option to how people should become biased to capitalist involvement of individuals. When Garage rock was starting its movement, they received unexpected responses from peo ple at the market places. This is a normal encounter to any emerging music movement because it has not yet established itself properly. The movement found this uncertainty to be helpful to them since they were able to show people the difference between ordinary music and the way to perform real music. The movement enjoyed the mixing of the music people longed for and the changing of the past with severity and sarcasm of the current America. Modern Garage movement started with the aim of supporting an American society and still has the goal of addressing the importance of uniqueness. The first Garage group that was successful incorporated both characteristics of the past, and connected them in the modern background. This was a challenge for the underground music because they thought that Garage style was not going to be successful. This was not hard-core or confrontation music, but it brought actual rock music. The underground music became the concern with those involved with Garage music, but they also offered a chance for new music to come up. Modern Garage shows interest to go back to periods when revolt was taken lightly (Fox & Chings, 2008, Pg 44). This is demonstrated by how they play their music and the attitude presented in the performance. Modern Garage music is related to self-longing version within people’s culture. These versions started from Britain and the backgrounds of the 1960 Greek culture. It is also noted that Hollywood films have demonstrated these versions of rebellion, which are acceptable in the societal customs. Some participants claim that these actions are intrusive, and can result to violent actions while others suggests that the music is a set of music that force people to the principles of music standards. There are people who are fond of the mainstreaming music while others have a negative feeling about the music and they are interested in the underground music (Fox & Ching, 2008, Pg 57). There are certain times that indivi duals are given an opportunity to come up with modern Garage music within certain periods of longing rebellion. The periods that are demonstrated are those that show times in which revolt were realized in the societies and made people be shocked because of certain happenings. The current world has denied people a chance to revolt. This is the reason as to why people get involved into Garage rock so that they can demonstrate some rebellion as they are

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Development of Scratch Radio to the Station Manager Essay

Development of Scratch Radio to the Station Manager - Essay Example The main objective of the study is to recognize and determine current involvement in Radio Listening amongst BCU undergraduate scholars in the City North campus. It is mainly because there are various competitors for the Scratch Radio as well as it is also very much necessary to identify the thoughts of BCU undergraduate students towards Scratch Radio and its selected competitors. The study includes the questioners’ analysis which will help to identify the current involvement and future development of Scratch Radio. Thirst for knowledge is the fundamental human condition. Research methodology is the systematic process of exploring knowledge. The research can be conducted in many ways. The methodology of the research is decided in relation to the nature of the study and the type of sample and the data collection. In this study the researcher tries to explore the information about the current involvement in Radio Listening between BCU undergraduate students and also to evaluate the attitudes of BCU undergraduate students towards Scratch Radio. â€Å"Methodology is the pathway or an approach to get the needed information by locating the data from different sources which are primary & secondary†. In this research paper, the data gathering was done using various research instruments. The research instruments have helped to carry out the interview process and data gathering more easily. The study will be a pilot survey, to test the questionnaire and the survey methods and to generate some exploratory data which may be useful to decision makers of marketing division. Sample size taken to conduct the survey is 20. All the students that took part in the survey are students of BCU undergraduate course in the City North campus. And also this sample survey includes male and female students of each study year. Personal interviews are carried out to collect most significant information from the target audience. The sample size selected was quite enough and usef ul for this research. The survey was conducted in the same method, but the people interviewed were different. The tools used in this research are really working and useful to carry out a detail study. Questionnaires are one of the ways used to collect information from the target customers to acquire the relevant information. The questionnaires are well planned. Both open ended and closed ended questionnaires are used to collect information. Open ended questionnaires are carried out to acquire the information in the deliberate style. Closed ended questionnaires are used to acquire the information in the single words such as the questionnaires comprises of the YES or NO type questions. â€Å"A Questionnaire can be quite inexpensive to administer. Time is also an important resource that questionnaires can maximize† (Stasko & O’Brien n.d.). 4) Summary of the Key Findings: This pilot survey we have conducted has helped to find out the opinions and recommendations of the stu dent listeners of Scratch radio of BCU. The sample size of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Background of Fairy Tales stories and their Multiple Versions Essay Example for Free

The Background of Fairy Tales stories and their Multiple Versions Essay â€Å"The Background of Fairy Tales stories and their Multiple Versions† In this essay, I am going to discuss the different versions that writers had written about the famous fairy tale â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood† by Charles Perrault, or sometimes known as â€Å"Little Red Cap† by the Grimm Brothers. To start we are going to be arguing a critical essay explaining why fairy tales are created, and what’s the reality behind these stories. First, according to a critical essay â€Å"The trials and tribulations of Little Red Ridding Hood† by Jack Zipes there had been different versions of this famous fairy tale each of them are related to the actual world that we live in. In this critical essay, Zipes talks about the origins of â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood† tale and he also discusses the new version that was updated or recreated by Perrault. As we all know, the character Little Red Ridding Hood has been used to warn kids about the consequences of disobedience or the consequences of talking to strangers. At the beginning of the essay, Zipes says, â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood has never enjoyed an easy life† (P.1). This line grabs my attention because it makes me realize that Little Red Ridding Hood is a character that is meant to reflect the disobedience and its consequences. This girl didn’t have an easy life and she’s never going to get a better one because this world is getting harder, also, I can say that these tales are created to show and teach children about what’s going on around the world, especially to innocent girls because they have to be in guard of wolf/men who want to abuse them. For example, we all know that in the 21st century, there are many wolves that want to eat innocent girls, but as we know those wolves can be very intelligent and show themselves attractive and gentle, but at the end of the day they will show their sharp teeth to attack their prey. Furthermore, Zipes mentions that Little Red Ridding Hood has suffered abused after abused and that seems to be very suspicious. In my opinion, there is nothing suspicious about it, because that was the way that it was on the past where men abused women just because they thought they were superior to women. However, we know that nowadays it is not like that anymore because women have proclaimed equality between men and women. Therefore, I believe that in the 21st century fairy tales show characters that can take control of dangerous situations without the help of  a huntsman, police man etc. In other words, women are more capable to fight for their own safety because they have learned that men are not supe rior to women. The social function of â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood† is to teach children how dangerous it could be to talk to strangers, which makes sense because the scenes of this story describe exactly what could happen to them if they disobeyed their parents advices. One interesting fact that we can see in any version of â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood† is that the girl always deceived the wolf and saves herself without the help of her grandma, hunters, police, or father! This means that kids need to learn how to take care of themselves and learn to be independent because there might be occasions where mom or dad are not going to be there to help them. I believe that kids need to grow up with these tales; tales that are appropriate (and by appropriate I mean tales with no sexual content) to their age. Like that they can learn how to become confident and independent. Now let’s talk about Perrault’s Transformation of the Tale One important fact that I can mention about Perrault’s transformation of â€Å"Little Red Ridding Hood† is that this writer wrote two different versions of the tale (one for children and there is a another one for adults). What I like the most of this fact is that parents can be more confortable that their kids are learning good things from this tale and most importantly, the content is according to their age. For example I can mention a video cartoon that I watched on YouTube entitled â€Å"Red Hot Ridding Hood† in which Little Red Ridding Hood is dancing on a bar and is there when the wolf goes crazy about her. In this video the wolf looked and spoke to the girl in a sexual way. As we see, this cartoon should be classified as an adult program and not for children because sexuality is a strong content in this video, even though, it does not show inappropriate images, but the behavior of the characters is not the best for a child to watch. Therefore, I think that it doesn’t matter how innocent cartoons look, parents should always pay attention on what their kids are watching on TV or on the Internet. In addition, the adult’s version is a good idea of the author, because, young adults can learn from this story too. Some people would say that adults  don’t need to learn about those things, but others would say that it is good for adults to read and learn from this kind of stories. I agree with those people because some adults either women or men don’t really know how to behave in an appropriate way or how take care of themselves. Therefore, I believe that adults should learn from fairy tales, because these stories are easier and faster to learn a lesson from (learn their attributes, good manners, and behaviors). But adults are the ones who choose what they want to learn and which character they want to represent in real life. Another quote that I can bring up is when the writer says, â€Å" It may take another 200 years for us to undo all lessons Red Ridding Hood, and the wolf as well, were forced to learn†(P.9). On the one hand, this line is saying that women need to learn how to behave in a way that a real woman should do it. But on the other hand, it is also saying that there are many men who need to learn how to treat and respect women and give them their place as a woman. In the story we see that the wolf is compared as a man and he’s the bad apple of the story/life, but not every man is a bad apple because we saw that in the fairy tale there was a hunter that became the hero of the tale. Therefore I can say that men have the decision if they want to become a hero or they want to be the bad apple of the story. While I was reading Perrault’s critical version, I learned many things from it, I will point the most relevant and interesting lines that I loved the most. First, he was one of the first writers of children’s books (books that were realistic and related to real life). Secondly, Perrault says, â€Å"Accustomed to being the center of attention, Little Red Ridding Hood stops to listen to the wolf and tries and tarries in woods. The child seek to amuse herself, and she ends her shot life by being the object of the wolf’s amusement.† In other words, sometimes women are responsible of men depravation against them because some women try to catch men’s attention by seducing them, but they end up being men’s victims. Just as my mother always says, â€Å"if women want to be respected by others, they are the one who have to start respecting themselves first † I agree with those words, no one will take care and respect women if they don’t s tart giving themselves the respect they expect to receive from others.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bret Hartes The Outcasts Of Poker Flat :: essays research papers

This can’t be happening thought Bill. Man I’m in so much trouble, there’s no way I can get out of it. I’m stuck. Bill had just wrecked his parent’s BMW in an accident, and they had no idea that the expensive car was even missing from the garage. And a terrible thing had happened as a result of the crash. A young woman lay dead in the passenger side of the vehicle, swarmed by medics. Bill had escaped injury, but as his body was still at the crash site, his mind wasn’t. He was in total shock at what had happened. If I only left the car in the garage and didn’t try to â€Å"borrow† it, Lisa might still be alive†¦.Bill tried to imagine that it wasn’t real, that he was in his bed dreaming, but no, he was responsible for the destruction of his parents’ car and his the death of his girlfriend. It was as if his mind wasn’t registering, as if it was in some far away place. He just couldn’t come to grips with what had happened. This is a classic example of severe shock. The event that took place was so strong that the mind has trouble working. While in Bill’s case where he had indeed had an accident, the realism of the situation dwarfs the mind as if a small comet hurtled towards a blazing sun. But this is just one aspect of realism. The whole of realism is made up of the fact that our lives, the world, the universe, it’s all real. And as much as our minds would want to deny it, everything will stay real, and for most people they just make the best of it. But for the rest of the people, they invent new ways to get around the feeling that a wall has been placed in their path. All this goes to say that people must be original and â€Å"keep it real† to survive the physical and mental fatigue life throws at them and also that everything will always be real and we must be in touch with our minds to harvest the realness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bret Harte tells of a story where a group is outcast into the world to fend for themselves during the winter season. After they have been exiled and are outside the city walls, most of the group can’t handle the situation presented before them, as quoted, â€Å"As the escort disappeared, their pent-up feelings found vent in a few hysterical tears from the Duchess, some bad language from Mother Shipton, and a Perthian volley of expletives from Uncle Billy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Catholic Schools Week

This year’s national theme for Catholic Schools Week is â€Å"Catholic Schools: A+ for America. † The five years I have been at St. Dominic’s, I have experienced that it is very different then a public school and is much better. At St. Dominic’s, we go to church every Friday. During Church on Fridays, the Mass is run by the school so each class take turns serving and reading and being the gift bearers. We also have a Christmas play which is run by the 8th grade every year.On top of that we have a great religion class every day except on Friday’s and our priest will sometimes come over to school and read us a bible verse or two. To me, St. Dominic’s makes me feel like I am in a safe environment, to me it’s like a family. Here at St. Dominic’s our teachers do whatever they can to make us an A+ student. They care about are grades so we can have higher expectations and so we can live a better Christian life. So we do a lot of projec ts and activity to help us understand are work better.Here at St. Dominic’s we have one of every grade since it is a smaller school and we have smaller class sizes. So the friends you meet in pre-school are the friends you are going to graduate with and possible more. One of the projects we started a few years ago at St. Dominic School is recycling. The whole school gets involved. Each year we all have a competition to see which class collects the most recycling and whoever wins gets a reward. Recycling is something good for are county as well as our country. Also at St.Dominic’s, the 6th – 8th grade have to do service hours for a religion grade. I think this has a great impact on our country as a whole because we are making it possible to live in a safer environment by doing the smallest things like recycling and giving up are time for others in need. We also help out a round school like we rack the leaves in the fall and help put out salt in the winter. We als o work with the younger students helping them learn how to tie their shoes or sitting with them at church to teach them how to behave during Mass.Something else that we do as 8th graders at St. Dominic school is we teach the 5th grade how to serve during church. Since the 8th graders are the oldest students, we are asked to help out a lot. Whenever someone needs something we are always there to help them. So we have to take the biggest role in leading our school to a better community. Once you leave St. Dominic you are on your own and hopefully you always leave a Christian life. St. Dominic has made me realize that I can do whatever I want to as long as I put my mind to it.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Case Brief: London v. Directors of the DeWitt Public Schools

DeWitt Middle School teacher and coach Jeff Rader found Carl Avery and another student engaged in a â€Å"horseplay† in the school cafeteria. Rader asked both boys to leave the cafeteria of which the other student immediately complied. Rader again asked Avery to leave but the boy refused to comply the second time. At this point, Rader began to remove Avery from the cafeteria by force.The boy, however, fought back and slammed the coach into a table. During the encounter, Rader was able to drag the boy on the floor and banged the boy's head against the metal pole outside the cafeteria. They proceeded to the principal's office where each were asked for their version of the story, but Avery struck the hands of the principal in his frustration during the course of the interview, at which point the principal called the police.School authorities recommended for Avery to be expelled, of which DeWitt School District Superintendent Emerson approved. They informed Ms. London, mother of A very, and explained the procedures. A hearing was conducted and the school board decided to expel Avery for the remainder of the school year. Ms. London filed a lawsuit where the District Court granted the defendants' motion for judgement on partial findings, of which Ms.London filed for an appeal on three grounds, that the District Court erred: â€Å"(1) in holding that Rader did not violate Avery's substantive-due-process rights; (2) in holding that there were no procedural-due-process violations in Avery's suspension or in his expulsion; and (3) in not ordering the DeWitt School System to submit a remedial plan concerning discrimination in hiring† (United States Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit 1999). The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed with the District Court judgement and dismissed the appeal.They held that Rader could not have violated Avery's substantive-due-process rights as he has asked Avery to leave the cafeteria twice. Although Rader banged Avery's head on a pole, the injury which the boy may have suffered could not have been severe to shock judicial conscience due to the fact that the boy could not even remember which side of his head had been banged. There could also not have been any violation of procedural-due-process as Avery and his mother was appraised of the charges and was given the opportunity to present his side, first in the principal's office, then on the board hearing.The plaintiff has also failed in proving a condition of segregated schooling in accusing the DeWitt School System with discrimination hiring. The decision of the Court of Appeals stressed the importance of effective discipline and order to educational processes. This means that educators have their own discrimination how to discipline students but with restrictions that are provided by law. References United States Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit. (1999). London v. Directors of the Dewitt Public Schools, 194 F. 3d 873, 139.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams in Gulf Coast USA

Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams in Gulf Coast USA Description of Oysters and Clams Oyster is a type of seafood with high nutritional value both to marine life and human beings. Experts note that the plant is normally high in fat, protein, Iron and Vitamin D (Judy, 2010). However, oysters are not only part of marine and human nutritional delicacies; they are also an integral part of the sea environment. In the US Gulf coast, oysters are located near the shores (Freeman, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams in Gulf Coast USA specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Due to the close proximity to dry land, oysters and clams play a vital role in the prevention of shoreline and wetland erosion because they act as a natural barrier to slow down tidal waves (which cause wetland erosion). Due to this reason (and several subsequent factors), oysters and clams contribute significantly to the environment because besides purifyi ng seawater, Oysters and Clams are aquatic plants that provide shelter to other marine life (Freeman, 2010, p. 1). In the purification of seawater, oysters prevent the occurrence of algal bloom. This is the major reason why oysters and clams are usually perceived to be the backbone of marine life since they are at the centre of the food chain, providing food to other aquatic life. Despite the integral role oysters and clams play in the sea ecosystem, sea pollution (like the recent BP oil disaster) significantly affects sea eco-balance and subsequently, the sustainability of seafood for humans. This study analyses the impact of the BP oil disaster on the Gulf Coast of Mexico. Immediate Impact of the Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams Though it is scientifically proved that adult oysters can potentially reduce the harmful impact of toxic petrochemicals, it is also a well-known fact that these petrochemicals can significantly kill oyster larvae (Freeman, 2010, p. 1). This effect is only fe lt in the short-term because in the long-term, it is feared that the chemical dispersants which were used to break the oil cover may have a long-lasting impact on the oysters. The method used to eliminate the oil spill (through fresh water release) was also disastrous to the beds of oysters and clams because it killed all growing oysters in the region (Freeman, 2010, p. 1).Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Freeman (2010) affirms that â€Å"†¦..importantly, this freshwater release killed the oysters growing on the interior of the estuaries, an area protected from the oil and chemicals that were washing up on the intertidal oyster beds along the coast† (p. 1). There were more concerns registered from environmental officials analyzing the impact of the oil spill because it was feared that the chemicals used were killing the oysters and clams too. It was also reported that the oil spill also negatively affected the reproduction of oysters because they normally produce sperms and eggs in the water to fuse and grow into oysters, but the oil spill caused them to close their shells and eventually suffocate the oyster larvae (Weise, 2010). Current Impact of the Oil Spill’s on Oysters and Clams The real impact of the BP oil disaster on the oysters and clams cannot be easily quantified because it is feared that small sea animals may have consumed the petrochemicals from the oil spill (plus the chemicals used to curb the oil spill). These small sea animals will consequently be eaten by larger fish and finally by humans, to affect comprehensively the general eco-balance of sea life. Already, oyster growth and numbers have been severely affected by the oil spill and it is still difficult to quantify the damage caused by their death on sea life. Moreover, scientists have observed that it is sometimes difficult to quantify the re al impact of the oil spill because the effect of the oil impact is interlinked with other disasters waiting to happen (Judy, 2010, p. 3). However, it is assumed that some adult oysters may not have been severely affected by the oil spill because they have the capability of reducing the negative effect of the toxins. However, the small oyster larvae may have died in large numbers. The reason, why it is said that mature oysters may potentially survive the oil spill is because when mature oysters taste oil, they close as a result. Though they may not increase in number (because of the curtailing effect of the oil spill), it is assumed that the plants will generally survive (Judy, 2010, p. 3).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams in Gulf Coast USA specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Long-term Impact of the Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams The long- term impact of the oil sp ill on the oysters and clams is not easy to determine because the larvae are said to die from the effects of the oil spill but the mature oysters are said to survive the oil spill (Freeman, 2010, p. 2). However, it should be noted that the oil spill significantly affected the oyster beds and this may have a long-term impact on the number of oysters in the sea. Consequently, this means that the number of oysters and clams will potentially reduce, but the situation will normalize once the reproduction process of the oysters start again. Nonetheless, as a result of the reduction in oyster numbers, the marine ecosystem maybe affected because the eco-balance will be destabilized. The situation is expected to normalize after a year because the oil disaster struck at the reproduction period and it may take another year for the situation to normalize again. Impact of the Oil Spill on the Louisiana Economy Impact on Economy during the Spill Effect on Fishing Industry The BP oil disaster was identified to have significantly affected the operation of the Louisiana economy because Louisiana is known to supply about 40% of America’s seafood (Weise, 2010). Because of health reasons, some of the oyster beds along the Louisiana coastline were closed. This closure was bound to affect the supply of seafood in America and consequently the economy of Louisiana because for example, about 23% of all red-snapper fish caught in the US came from the state of Louisiana. Moreover, since fish can swim away from the zone of oil spillage, it is feared that subsequent harvests are bound to be affected by the fish migration. Consequently, Louisiana fishers are bound to be significantly affected, in terms of low fish production. Effect on Oil Industry The oil spill had a significant impact on the economy of Louisiana and the surrounding marine life, but in the same manner, there was also a significant impact on the oil industry.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Not to mention the volumes of oil lost in the spillage, one significant impact of the oil disaster was the financial damages brought about by law suits and cost directed towards clearing the oil spill. In total, BP lost millions of dollars in financial damages and costs that went into restoring the company’s image and reputation in the eyes of the public. Effect on Restaurants and Tourism The hospitality industry also suffered great losses as a result of the oil spill because restaurants suffered insufficient supply of seafood because of the death of sea animals and the ensuing health risks posed by the oil spill on seafood. Tourism was equally affected because the sea was polluted with petrochemicals from the oil spill and in the same manner; the sea was also polluted by chemicals meant to clear the oil spill. Hotels and resorts were therefore significantly affected because leisure activities at the shores were prohibited, consequently leading to a low turnout of visitors. C urrent Impact on the Louisiana Economy Fishing Industry Currently, the fishing industry is slowly recovering from the impact of the oil spill after it was cleared. However, the industry is still wiling under the long-term effects of the oil spill because the population of oysters reduced as a result of the oil spill and consequently, fishers have to deal with competition from other seafood suppliers who have invaded its primary market to supplement its shortfall. Oil industry After the oil spill, the oil industry is still suffering from the effects of negative publicity as a result of the extensive damage the oil spill did on the environment and people’s livelihoods. It may probably take a long time before public confidence is restored. Restaurants and Tourism Restaurants and the tourism sectors also have to contend with waning public confidence about the impact of the oil spill on their services. For instance, many customers are now shunning seafoods in restaurants because o f the fear that it may be unsafe to consume seafood because of the negative impact of the oil spill on aquatic life. Tourism is also suffering in the same regard because many visitors are still not confident to use the sea. Cleaning After the Spill After the oil spill cleanup, the sea situation has not come back to normal because scientists are still grappling with the problem of transferring oyster larvae from healthy sources into the affected areas. After this process is completed, it may take a long time before the situation goes back to normal. In concurrence to these efforts, environmental bodies have also sued BP for the environmental damages it has caused. Most of these cases are yet to be finalized (Mcgill, 2011). Conclusion The BP oil spill has caused extensive damages not only to the environment but people’s livelihoods as well. It is difficult to undo such a disaster in a couple of weeks or months and therefore the impact of the oil spill is yet to be completely el iminated. More so, its impact on the growth of oysters and clams may have a long-term impact on the marine ecosystem and therefore the comprehensive damage of the oil spill cannot be accurately determined. Nonetheless, it is no doubt that the effect of the oil spill is very extensive. References Freeman, M. (2010). The Oil Spill’s Impact on Gulf Coast Oysters. Web. Judy, J. (2010). Oil Spill Threatens Gulf Oysters, May Impact Seafood Worldwide. Web. Mcgill, K. (2011). Lingering Effects of BP Oil Spill Topic for Oyster Industry Leaders. Web. Weise, E. (2010). Spills Effects Unlikely To Make Way to Grocery Aisles. Web.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome The symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome can vary depending on which type of thoracic outlet syndrome you have. And since it is a group of disorders not all symptoms may be present or even constant. Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome The most common type of thoracic outlet syndrome is Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome where the brachial plexus is compressed. By some estimates, 95% of all thoracic outlet syndromes are neurological in nature. Compression of these nerves results in symptoms such as: Pain in your neck and shouldersAn ache throughout your armAn ache in your handNumbness, partial loss of sensation or tingling in your fingersA weakening in your grip strengthGilliatt-Sumner hand, which is when muscles of the hand, particularly around the base of the thumb, atrophy or waste away Many of the symptoms of the neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome are similar to other nerve-related repetitive stress injuries where swelling or inflammation presses on the nerve. This can send shooting pains or radiate aching throughout the affected area. Compression of a nerve can also restrict the signals flowing along the nerve resulting in a loss of sensation or tingling. Since the nerves control the actions of the muscles if the signals are lost or otherwise affected the muscles cannot operate efficiently and you experience weakness. With a prolonged loss of nerve supply, the muscles will atrophy and waste away to be reabsorbed by the body. Vascular Thoracic Outlet Syndrome In Vascular Thoracic Outlet Syndrome where either the subclavian artery or the subclavian vein are compressed symptoms are consistent with reduced blood flow such as: Pain and possible swelling of the armA loss of color at your extremities (hand and/or fingers)A weak pulse in your armA bluish discoloration of your extremities (hand and/or fingers)Infarcts, or tiny spots (usually black) on your extremities (hand and/or fingers)A throbbing lump near your collarboneA blood clot under your collarbone (known as a subclavian thrombosis) The symptoms of vascular thoracic outlet syndrome are typical complications resulting from reduced blood flow. Low blood supply can show up as pallor or loss of color as well as a weak pulse. This is most likely associated with compression of the subclavian artery on the supply side of things. That compression may also result in a throbbing lump near your color bone a result of an area of higher blood pressure as the nominal blood supply is forced through a smaller opening. Restriction of the subclavian vein on the return side can lead to a buildup of oxygen-depleted blood resulting in a bluish discoloration. It can also show itself in the form of pain and swelling as the blood pressure increases from a normal supply and a reduced ability to return it to the heart causing a backup of blood in the arm. Reduced blood flow from either the supply or the return side can increase the chance of a thrombosis or blood clot as well as infarcts. A loss of blood supply may also contribute to muscle atrophy in some cases but the reduction in vascular thoracic outlet syndrome is not normally considered great enough to cause atrophy without causing other major concerns first. Non-Specific Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Non-specific Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is so named because the cause is not clearly identifiable. In these cases, the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome may be a combination of both neurogenic and vascular disorders or simply a pain or ache throughout the arms and shoulders or around the upper chest and collarbone.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Patient-Centered Healthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Patient-Centered Healthcare - Research Paper Example In healthcare services, patients feel valued and cared when they receive timely care, staff to provide them support during registration and other paper formalities, helping them understand different processes and reassuring them of their good health and recovery. Such service quality dimensions help increase patient satisfaction and loyalty towards respective physicians and thus assist physicians in retaining their customers amidst stiff competition. Ans. 2: In the reading, three kinds of PHRs are described along with mention of three healthcare systems which implemented this PHRs. Description of those kinds are: Tethered- the HER product called MyChart established by Epic Systems falls under tethered PHR category whereby patients can view their medical records and communicate with physicians for basic activities. However, the entire set up is provider filtered and comes under the aegis of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Stand-alone- PatientSite implement ed at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical centre is a stand alone PHR system whereby updating health information is entirely in the hands of consumers and full fledged patient-doctor messaging and communication is facilitated by this system.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Individual business report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Individual business report - Coursework Example In this regard, the report intends to delineate an effective business plan for Oblako to successfully establish its own independent airline service. The proposed business plan incorporates a number of effective steps and strategies that can enable the organisation to establish its sustainable position in the competitive industry. The proposed plan outlines major aims and objectives of the venture with respect to the current environment of the Ukrainian airline business industry. In order to facilitate to achieve the desired aims and objectives, the proposed plan also explores the current industry environment through the help of competitor analysis framework. Moreover, it also demonstrates an effective marketing plan along with coherent financial information that has been estimated to help in establishing long-term sustainability of Oblako Airlines in the Ukrainian aviation industry. Oblako Airlines (Oblako) has positioned itself as one of the major new players in the competitive airline industry of Ukraine. The Ukrainian airline industry is driven by a rising competitive pace as it is witnessed that there are a number of vital competitors operating in and around Ukraine which are from neighbouring countries such as Belarus, Russia, Romania, Moldova, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The competition has raised due to the rising trend of the demographics especially their increasing income level. Therefore, it is highly essential for Oblako to execute a competitive strategy to cope with the rising pace in the Ukrainian airline industry. In terms of legal structure of the venture, it will be a partnership between two individuals wherein the risk and profit would be shared by both of them. The proposed business plan for Oblako would be highly focused on building a strong brand position with the aim of maintaining a competitive pricing strategy. Moreover, providing highest level of airline services along with improving

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

U.S. Army - Educational opportunities Research Paper

U.S. Army - Educational opportunities - Research Paper Example The background of the report is the situation in US army where the soldiers are missing out on valuable opportunities provided by the US army which is mainly educational opportunities provided by the US army.This report deals with the present problem in the US army where the retention rate of US soldiers has been constantly decreasing. Recruitments and retention rates in the US army has suffered a setback and one of the attributed reason could be the inflexible lifestyle in the US army especially with respect to educational opportunities. The reason for such low retention rates is because of the unawareness regarding the educational opportunities provided by the US army. Earning a degree while working in the military service is very important because the degree earned serves as a promotional tool which can be used by soldiers to get promotions to higher grades. Education is a necessity in today’s armed forces and the military offers a number of educational opportunities for im proving the education among the soldiers. Army offers several benefits like full time tuition, merit based scholarships, allowances in books and fees, and stipend for living expenses for the qualified students. There are many other programs like tuition assistance, eArmyU, CLEP exams which soldiers can take advantage of in order to build the future ahead of them, which they are currently ignoring. This report is based on audience analysis and the research proposal. The report provides a total overview of the current educational system available in the US army and how the retention and recruitment rates in the US army could be improved. Education is the only asset for the future, whether you are a civilian or an army man. So it is important that all the people should have the basic education, which he can continue further or take advantage of it for his future. US departments for defense provides many benefits for the soldier, of which mainly includes the policy for education. They h ave introduced many programs to increase the educational level of people. The soldiers can take benefits out of various policies to secure their future. Currently there are many programs existing within the system to help the soldiers in getting the education they deserve, the only thing that is being lacking is the awareness among people about that. Willingness to know things can create many chances for the future. There are immense education opportunities in the US army and there are various types of educational programs in the army. The report has a methodology section where methods have been used to collect data and a section of data analysis along with conclusion finding and recommendations. Purpose statement: The purpose of this report is providing a report on the recruitment and retention of soldiers in the US army. Background: The background of the report is the situation in US army where the soldiers are

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cockle Isolates of Vibrio Vulnificus | Research Experiment

Cockle Isolates of Vibrio Vulnificus | Research Experiment Isolation and identification characterization among cockle isolates of Vibrio vulnificus isolated from Selangor, Malaysia Coastal area Mohammed M. Kurdi Al-Dulaimi, Sahilah Abd. Mutalib and Ma`aruf Abd.Ghani Key words: Vibrio vulnificus, cockles, isolation, characterization, Malaysia. ABSTRACT: Vibrio vulnificus infections is worldwide public health problems associated with illnesses resulting from consumption of raw or partially cooked seafood worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and identification of V. vulnificus in cockle collected from local wet (2) and supermarkets (2) from Selangor, Malaysia from July 2013 to February 2014. A total of 78 (n=78) cockle samples were examined for the presence of V. vulnificus and collected from four local supermarkets sites of Selangor hypermarkets, V. vulnificus was present in at about 32% (25/78) of the 78 seafood cockle samples were positive to this bacterium. Colonies morphological observation and biochemical characterization for those isolates showed 60% (15/78) of isolates were classified as biotype 1 and 40% (10/78) belong to biotype 2. INTRODUCTION: Vibrio vulnificus is a motile, asporgenic, halophilic gram-negative bacterium that found worldwide in estuarine and coastal warm waters that frequently contaminates seafood like oysters , cockles , shrimps and other seafood (Horseman and Surani, 2011) infections of V. vulnificus are reported in many different countries ,USA, Europe, Korea, Taiwan , Malaysia and Saudi Arabia(Tamplin et al. 1982; Chuang et al.1992; Dalsgaard et al. 1999; Hlady and Klontz 1996; Elhadi et al.,2004; Elhadi 2012; Paydar and Thong 2013). Three major syndromes of clinical illness caused by pathogenic vibrio: septicemia, gastroenteritis and wound infections. The majority of these infections is foodborne and associated with consumption of raw or undercooked variety of seafood, including shrimp, fish, oysters and clams (Bisharat et al., 1999). Probability of septicemia and necrotizing fasciitis increased in the patients with liver cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus that reduce host resistance to bacterial infections owing to the immunocom-promised status (Ito et al., 2012). V. vulnificus is a bacterial species that is virulent for humans and fish ,In terms of virulence, it has been classified based on phenotypical and serological characteristics(Biosca et al.,1997 ; Tison et al., 1982), therefore V.vulnificus isolates classified into three biotypes, biotypes 1 and 3 are classified as a human isolates and biotype 2 is classified fish and eel isolates , The virulence mechanism of biotype 2 V. vulnificus strains in eels remains unclear, although some virulence factors have been proposed. The extracellular products of biotype 2 strains exhibit hydrolytic/toxic activities and lethality for the eel similar to those produced by the biotype 1 strain (Biosca and Amaro 1996). However, a few human infections caused by biotype 2 isolates have been reported worldwide. This study aims to isolateion and identifiy characterization of the V. vulnificus among cockle from Selangor, Malaysia. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples collection and preparing For this In the present study, cockle samples (n=78) were purchased from wet markets (2) and hypermarkets (2) in Selangor-Malaysia from July 2013 to February 2014 .The cockles were washed in distilled water and scrubbed free of dirt and shucked with a sterile scalpel and cut to small pieces with sterile scissor, 25 g of muscle and intravalvar fluid were collected homogenized into sterile stomacher bags containing 225 ml of Akaline Salt Peptone Water (ASPW) (Oxoid, England) with 3% (w/v) NaCl. Samples were homogenized with using stomacher (Stomacher Lab-Blender 400) for 2 minutes. enriched in alkaline peptone salt water and The solution was diluted and then spread onto ______(what medium) medium and incubated for 18-24 hours at 37Â ºC. Isolation and morphological characterization All samples were analyzed for potentially pathogenic Vibrios. All samples enriched in APW[DS1] and transferred a loop full of enrichment broth on to Thiosulphate citrate bile salt sucrose agar (TCBS)(Difco Laboratories, USA) and CHROMagar Vibrio (CV)(CHROMagar, France) and incubated for 24 h at 37Â ºC. After incubation colonies suspected to be V. vulnficus were picked up from the TCBS[DS2] agar and CV plates and cultured on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) to obtain pure colonies.[DS3] (Elhadi 2012).V. vulnificus produce green colonies on TCBS and blue green (Turquoise) on Chromagar Vibrio, these colonies were picked up to nutrient agar slant and stored at 4Â °C for morphological and biochemical identification. Biochemical characterization The isolates were identified at the species level with the use of biochemical tests that may differentiated among closer species of vibrio that gave similar morphological characteristics on selective media, in this study we use some biochemical tests that distinguish among V. vulnificus and other vibrio species such as V. parahemolyticus. [DS4] Indole Production The ability of bacteria to splitting of tryptophan to indole tested , test tubes contain 9 ml of tryptone water inoculated with loop full of V. vulnificus culture and incubated for 24- 48 h at 37Â ºC, adding 1 ml of Kovac`s indicator(P-dimethyl amnobenzaldehyde in amyl) , positive reaction immediately forming red color ring in the broth. [DS5] Oxidase test :[DS6] Bacterial colonies were transferred with a sterile glass rod to filter paper moistened with oxidase reagent. Appearance of a dark purple color within few seconds was considered a positive reaction. Tolerance to NaCl :[DS7] Tolerance to NaCl was determined by the addition of NaCl to 1 % peptone broth with percentage of 0, 3, 6 and 10 % (w/v) [DS8]and cultures were examined for growth after 2 days at 37oC. RESULTS Isolation of V. vulnificus: [DS9] A total of 78 cockle samples were obtained from four different location of kajang.30, 28, 10 and 10 cockle samples were collected from pasar kajang, gaint bangi , gaint kajang and pasar bangi respectively, from August 2013 until January 2014, 11 sample (36%) of pasar Kajang was positive, 9 samples (32%) of Gaint Bangi was positive, 3 samples (30%) of Gaint Kajang was positive and 2 (20%) of Pasar Bangi was positive for V. vulnificus (table 1), The highest numbers of V. vulnificus were isolated from pasar kajang and gaint bangi , the lowest numbers of V. vunlificus were isolated from gaint kajang (Fig.1).[DS10] Table 1 percentage[DS11] of presence of V. vulnificus in cockle samples. Figure 1 percentage of positive samples. Morphological and biochemical identification: V. vulnificus in this study were identified as biotype I because all the isolates were positive for indole production. CHROMagar Vibrio (CHROMagar; Paris,France) was used in this study in conjunction with TCBS agar because of its ability to isolate and identifyV. vulnificus compared to the TCBS agar. CHROMagar Vibrio uses chromogenic technology to allow for the isolation and detection of V. vulnificus resulting in development dark blue colonies which can be distinguished from other Vibrio species as shown in Fig. 2. V. vulnificus were isolated from 25 of the 78 samples analyzed, and were identified with picked up single colonies on selective media for morphological identification, V.vulnificus isolates appeared as green colonies on TCBS medium and appeared as blue green colonies on Chromagar Vibrio medium Fig 2, green color on TCBS refer to inability of this bacteria to produce acids from sucrose, colonies on ChromagarTM Vibrio medium are accurately (99%) detect V. vulnificus isolates and differentiate it from other vibrio species. Fig 2 V vulnificus isolates on TCBS (A) and Chromagar Vibrio (B). Biochemical characterization: Distinguish between the different vibrios on the basis of colony morphology not always possible, the identification of Vibrio spp. is problematic because of phenotypic similarity of some species, there for we should be do biochemical tests to confirm the results obtained from morphological identification. V. vulnificus is divided into three biotypes according to their different biochemical and biological properties (Linkous and Oliver 1999).Twenty-five strains identified as V. vulnificus were submitted to biochemical tests. All isolates used in this study were positive for oxidase test (100%), all isolates grow on solid selective media (TCBS and CV agar). Salt tolerance show that 100% of isolates grow in 3% NaCl whiles no growth in 0 % of NaCl (table 2) because this bacterium is halophilic and it is abundantly present in estuarine ecosystems throughout the world. Table 2 biochemical tests of V. vulnificus isolates. DISCUSSION Isolation and morphological identification of V. vulnificus: The main objective of this study was to detect the incidence of pathogenic V. vulnificus in cockle samples collected from five sites in Malaysia, 25 of 78 cockle samples were positive for V. vulnificus (table 1), high percentage of cockles positive for V. vulnificus attributed to filter-feeding mollusks such as oysters, clams and mussels have high concentrations of the bacteria in their guts and other tissues (Strom and Paranjpye 2000). A chromogenic medium used for differentiation of V. vulnificus which contains bile salts and high NaCl and pH. This medium selects mainly three vibrio species (V. vulnificus, V. cholera and V. parahemolyticus) easily to differentiate among these species depend upon colony color whereas V. vulnificus isolates gave distinctive blue green color, various biochemical tests were used for more identification (Elhadi 2012). Biochemical identification: On the basis of differences in biochemical property V. vulnificus includes two biotypes (Tison et al. 1982). In this study, V. vulnificus biotype 1 and 2 were isolated. Isolates from human infections and environmental sources were described as indole positive and belong to biotype 1, whereas strains recovered from diseased eels were indole-negative and classified as biotype 2. (Amaro et al., 1992; Biosca et al., 1996; Radu et al., 1998).Ability to produce indole from trypton show 60% of isolates positive classified as biotype 1, and 40% was negative to indole production classified as biotype 2 (table 2), that indole production was the single biochemical trait which distinguished biotype 1 and biotype 2 (Tison et al. 1982). All isolates in this study were positive for oxidase, majority of V. vulnificus have cytochrome c oxidase enzyme, V. vulnificus is a halophilic marine bacterium tolerant for NaCl from 1% to 10% whereas most of V. vulnificus isolates tolerant up to 6% NaCl (table 2) but no growth in 10% NaCl and 0% of NaCl (Dalsgaard et al., 1999; Elhadi, 2012). V. vulnificus grow in wide range of temperature from 13Â °C to 40Â °C, optimal temperature for isolates in this study was 37Â °C that is an optimal temperature for pathogenic bacteria. REFERENCES Horseman, M.A. and Surani, S. (2011). A comprehensive review of Vibrio vulnificus: an important cause of severe sepsis and skin and soft-tissue infection. Int. J. of Infect. Dis., 15(3):157-166. Bisharat, N., Agmon, V., Finkelstein, R., Raz, R., Ben-Dror, G., Lerner, L., et al.(1999) .Clinical, epidemiological, and microbiological features of Vibrio vulnificus biotype 3causing outbreaks of wound infection and bacteraemia in Israel. The Lancet 354(9188):1421–1424. Biosca EG, Amaro C, Larsen JL, Pedersen K (1997) Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Vibrio vulnificus: proposal for the substitution of the subspecific taxon biotype for serovar. Appl Environ Microbiol 63: 1460–1466. Tison, D.L., Nishibuchi, M., Greenwood, J.D., Seidler, R.J.(1982). Vibrio vulnificus biogroup2: new biogroup pathogenic for eels. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 44,640–646. Biosca, E. G., and Amaro C.(1996).Toxic and enzymatic activities of Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 with respect to host specificity. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:2331–2337. Paydar M, Thong K.L.(2013). Prevalence and genetic characterization of Vibrio vulnificus in raw seafood and seawater in Malaysia. J Food Prot.76(10):1797-1800. Linkous D.A. and Oliver J.D.( 1999). Pathogenesis of Vibrio vulnificus, FEMS Microbiol. Letters. 174 :207-214. Hlady WG , Klontz KC(1996). The Epidemiology of Vibrio Infections in Florida, 1981-1993, J. of Infec. Dis. 173(5):1176-1183. Elhadi N, Radu S, Chen CH, Nishibuchi M.(2004) Prevalence of potentially pathogenic Vibrio species in the seafood marketed in Malaysia. Journal of Food Protection; 67(7): 1469-75. Chuang, Y.C., Yuan, C.Y., Liu, C.Y., Lan, C.K. Huang, A.H. (1992). Vibrio vulnificus infection in Taiwan: report of 28 cases and review of clinical manifestations and treatment. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 15: 271–276. Elhadi, N. (2012). Antibiotic Resistance and Plasmid Profiling of Clinically Significant Vibrio vulnificus Isolated from Coastal Water in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 3(2): 93-97. Radu, S., Elhadi, N. Hassan, Z. Rusul, G. Lihan,S. Fifadara, N. Yuherman and E. Purwati, 1998.Characterization of Vibrio vulnificus isolated from cockles (Anadara granosa): Antimicrobial resistance,plasmid profiles and random amplification of polymorphic DNA analysis. FEMS. Microbiol.Lett.,165: 139-143. Ito, H., Shibayama A., Abe M., Antoku S., Nawata H., Isonishi M., Fujita M., Kato S. (2012). Vibrio vulnificus septicemia and necrotizing fasciitis in the patients with liver cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus. J. of Diabetes Mellitus :2(1)122-125. Dalsgaard, I., HÃ ¸i, L., Siebeling, R. J. Dalsgaard, A. (1999). Indole-positive Vibrio vulnificus isolated from disease outbreaks on a Danish eel-farm. Dis Aquat Organ 35, 187–194. Amaro, C., Biosca, E. G., Esteve, C., Fouz, B. Toranzo, A. E. (1992). Comparative study of phenotypic and virulence properties in V. vulnificus biotype 1 and 2 obtained from a European eel farm experiencing mortalities. Dis Aquat Organ 13, 29–35. Tamplin M, Rodrick G.E., Blake N.J., Cuba T.(1982). Isolation and characterization of Vibrio vulnificus from two Florida estuaries. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44:1466–1470. [DS1]Write in ful, and short capital letter with bracket after that [DS2]Write in full [DS3]Shouldn’t has dot please [DS4]Omit this part [DS5]Not clear please clarify [DS6]remove [DS7]remove [DS8] please add [DS9]remove [DS10]make sure the valu tele with your abstract [DS11]Shouldn write in bold, please write properly and precise. Too simple is not describsable [DS12]write in full [DS13]remove this column

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Search for Language in The Awakening Essay -- Chopin Awakening Es

The Search for Language in The Awakening  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, tells the story of a late nineteenth century woman trying to break away from the male-dominated society to find an identity of her own.   Edna Pontellier is trying to find herself when only two personas are available to her: the ‘true woman,’ the classic wife and mother, or the ‘new woman,’ the radical women demanding equality with men.   Patricia S. Yaeger, in her essay â€Å"‘A Language Which Nobody Understood’: Emancipatory Strategies in The Awakening,† argues that what Edna is really searching for is a female language of her own.   Edna is prevented from finding her own language and ideal and therefore is trapped until she discovers that suicide is her only way out.   The ending of the novel has been considered Edna’s final step in her search for freedom from the restrictive society she lives in.   Elaine Showalter, in her essay â€Å"Tradition and the Female Talent : The Awakening as a Solitary Book,† and others say that it is Edna’s last move towards female liberation, but is it really?   Suicide hardly seems liberating.   Edna lives in a phallocentric world where women have no identities apart from their relationships with men.   Leslies W. Rabine, in her essay â€Å"No Lost Paradise: Social Gender and Symbolic Gender in the Writings of Maxine Hong Kingston,† says that â€Å"traditional male narratives† are based â€Å"on a linear and circular quest to return to a lost paradise† (Rabine 90), however, female narratives do not have this lost paradise.   The world in which Edna lives traps her so that the paradise she is seeking cannot exist.   The paradise Edna is looking for is nothing more than a situation in which she can be truly happy.   The fundamentally phallocentric... ...Awakening.   1993: Bedford Books, New York. Griggers, Cody.   â€Å"Next Stop – Paradise: An Analysis of Setting in The Awakening.† Domestic Goddess.   Editor, Kim Wells. August 23, 1999.   Online.   Internet.   5-10-00. Rabine, Leslie W.   â€Å"No Lost Paradise: Social and Symbolic Gender in the Writings of   Maxine Hong Kingston.†Ã‚   As it appears   Ã‚  Ã‚   in: Wong, Sau-Ling Cynthia.   Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: A Casebook.   1999: Oxford University Press, New York. Showalter, Elaine.   â€Å"Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awaking as a Solitary Book.†Ã‚   As it appears in: Chopin, Kate.   The   Ã‚  Ã‚   Awakening.   1993: Bedford Books, New York. Yaeger, Patricia S.   â€Å"‘A Language Which Nobody Understood’: Emancipatory Language in The Awakening.   As it appears in: Chopin, Kate.   The Awakening.   1993: Bedford Books, New York.